It is December already!

 Looking back I seem to now be posting once a month instead of once or twice a week.  Maybe this is my new normal.  In fact I told my daughter in Germany that since the garden is established there doesn't seem to be as much to write about as when I was designing and building up the garden.  She promptly decided to fix that!   She has signed me up to a 6 month seed delivery!   How blessed I am!

How lovely that they include her note.  I received my first package and that is a fairly good choice of seeds for this time of year, although the cucumber might just get downy mildew.  I only planted half the seeds.... hedging my bets.  You never know with the wet season.  

I already had some basil growing along the edge of the new long raised beds, so planted out the basil all along the edge. I think it is the same kind - Mammoth basil.   Lots of pesto in my future if they all come up.   I was speaking to my daughter and saying that I only plant one seed per hole, why plant two just to pull up one?   I like to think every one of my seeds will come up, are you the same?   I see some tiny little shoots already after three days, so that is positive!

The other plants in the bed are new guinea bean - a real wet season staple.

In other news, my asparagus is sending out lovely long shoots of tender tasty lusciousness, but only one every couple of days.

I started some Christmas baking.  Gingerbread men, and my moms crunchies as they can be frozen.  A few decorations have been put out, but it is so hot that I cannot keep the chocolates in the advent calendar, so they have to stay in the fridge. 

I wish you, all my dear patient readers a very Merry Christmas!


  1. What a great idea your daughter had and such a lovely note. Your biscuits look wonderful. Have a good week.

  2. It really got me out into the garden again, and blogging! she is such a thoughtful person.


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