It is December already!

Looking back I seem to now be posting once a month instead of once or twice a week. Maybe this is my new normal. In fact I told my daughter in Germany that since the garden is established there doesn't seem to be as much to write about as when I was designing and building up the garden. She promptly decided to fix that! She has signed me up to a 6 month seed delivery! How blessed I am! How lovely that they include her note. I received my first package and that is a fairly good choice of seeds for this time of year, although the cucumber might just get downy mildew. I only planted half the seeds.... hedging my bets. You never know with the wet season. I already had some basil growing along the edge of the new long raised beds, so planted out the basil all along the edge. I think it is the same kind - Mammoth basil. Lots of pesto in my future if they all come up. I was speaking to my daug...