Garden share collective - Garden philosophy

Months, it has been months since I last posted. admittedly I was away - wandering through castles in France with one daughter and her husband, and then in the USA with my younger daughter, husband and grandson, then some time in Sydney with my hubby. Wow - it sure is hard to get back into some kind of routine! Luckily my garden survived but I have had very little free time to spend in it lately, and have just been watering and weeding. Also just plopping spare cardboard on top of weeds - my quick way of weeding! I have tons of weeds and they are all going to seed. Ahhh! Here is my poor herb spiral - if you look carefully you can see some herbs. One thing that is doing well is the citronella - not sure if it keeps the mozzies away but it smells nice. My philosophy is to create a vibrant, healthy garden, full of good things to eat, lovely flowers to admire and a place where friends and family love to gather. I never quite harvest a huge amount to ...