The moon waits for no one
I have been wanting to try planting according to the moon for ages, and carefully marked on my calendar that the first weekend in April was the prime time to plant root vegetables. The time of the waning moon, when the gravitational forces pull the roots down into the earth., supposedly giving them a good start in life. Then I threw my back out -a common side effect of gardening! I remembered the seed tape I had made years ago, and wondered if that would not be the answer to my dilemma. Nothing is actually better for my well-being than sorting through my seeds and imagining huge harvests. I sat on the couch and laid the strips out onto a wooden board. Spraying with a seaweed spray as I went along to give those little seeds a taste of things to come. I have pretty tight spacing, and stagger the seeds to get more in. I start picking leaves when they are still small, so they can be pretty close together. I already have tatsoi going down the o...