Desert rose

The extreme heat forced all my desert roses to send out lots of seed pods.  I have never seen so many seed pods!

Look at these little babies!  Arent they cute with their fat bellies?

 I kept the white ones separate as they are prime and very hard to get, we will see what happens when they flower.  Here is an empty pod - they explode with seeds and feathery wings which scatter with the wind.

This is the pink one, I also have red and white.  They flower for most of the year, and dont need much care at all.  

One of my favourites.


  1. Very pretty flowers. And more to come by the looks of the babies. I love gardening because every year is different depending on the weather.

    1. they are a great plant - just keep giving and giving!

  2. These are looking very pretty. Beautiful. Here in Germany spring is just arriving... so crocuses and daffodils are growing.

    1. Anette,
      Oh I imagine that spring must be very pretty after winter. Daffodils are my favourite flowers, but they wont grow here.

  3. You have done very well raising those seedlings.

    1. Louise,
      They are not hard, looking at it I just used coarse potting mix, so I dont think they are fussy. I need to repot them into bigger pots though soon.

  4. I love desert roses, and you are doing great at getting them to grow from seed.
    I pass all my ripe seed pods (I secure them with bag twisties so they don't burst open in the wind) to my girlfriend Joyce to germinate.

    1. Virginia,
      Not sure what I am going to do with all these little plants, what does your friend do with them?

  5. oh my! i have never heard of or seen them before. how beautiful! i love your tropical flowers, AA.

    1. e,
      That is the joy of blogging isnt it? We are getting lots of rain at the moment from cyclone Nathan, I think the garden is thirstily drinking it all in. Tese tropical plants love their rain!

  6. What amazing flowers. It's all so different from our tiny snowdrops!


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