Ulysses butterfly

As we were clearing up debris after the cyclone, my hubby called me over to see a Ulysses butterfly.  Now as you know they normally flutter about so quickly that it is very hard to capture good photos of them.  This one was showing some distress, flopping about, and other butterflies would flutter down to check on it.  I took the rare opportunity to capture some awesome photos.

I am so blessed to live here where these colorful butterflies flit around my garden regularly.
Recently my dear Mom passed away and I have noticed little things that give me comfort.  Butterflies live short lives and it is sad to see one die, but that is the nature of the world.  I don't know if the cyclone cut its life short, or if it had just reached its allotted time.
We need to catch our beauty where we can, and stop and live in the moment, and tell our loved ones we love them.
This quote from Ecclesiastes 3:1 sums it up for me.
                To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven


  1. Dearest Africanaussie;
    Wow, what a GORGEOUS butterfly "Ulysses butterfly"(^_^)v It is breathtaking and yes you are blessed, my friend♡♡♡ Have a wonderful week ahead.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      thank you, I was so thrilled to get some photos of this butterlfy.Hugs..

  2. Replies
    1. They are so gorgeous fliting around the garden as that electric blue really catches your eye.

  3. Stunning pics :)

  4. That is truly a beautiful butterfly and you were lucky to capture such lovely photos.
    My sincerest condolences on your Mum's passing...you will continue to find her spirit in the beauty around you, and this will give you peace.

    1. Special moments like this do that, Virginia, thank you.

  5. Awesome shots. I chased around for ages trying to capture on of those butterflies when I was up north last year.


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