The emergence of the Ulysses butterfly at last!

Yesterday I noticed that the Ulysses chrysalis was turning brown, and I thought either the butterfly was going to emerge or that it had died. It was dark when I got up this morning, grabbed the flashlight and peered into the bush to see ......... the butterfly hanging there alongside the chrysalis!  It was way too dark to take photos and I stayed as long as I could before I had to leave for work.  Gosh I wanted to stay there so badly.
My hubby had strict instructions to take lots of photos and this is what he took.....
Isn't he a great photographer? 
 Just look at the detail.
The inside of the wings is a brilliant iridescent blue, but as soon as it opened its wings a gust of wind came and it fell to the ground.  Then it took off and flew away - high up into the tree.  I hope it is all right - it needs someplace out of the wind to build up its strength.
So my thoughts of you actually getting to see the iridescent blue wings have been dashed.  
I will persevere though, and the good thing is that I now know where they lay their eggs.....


  1. What an absolutely beautiful butterfly! Its wings are so pristine. Thanks for posting the pictures.

  2. Great series of photos - lovely to know that the butterfly emerged successfully and flew up into the trees. I think their life span is only about two weeks - a short but spectacularly beautiful existence!

  3. I would have been late for work - congratulations. It's beautiful.

  4. Alison,
    I never realized that the back of their wings had these patterns on until I saw this photo.
    I had heard too that they have a short lifespan - oh well maybe that will give me more photo opportunities :)
    Garden girl,
    thank you!
    I was very tempted

  5. Your hubby is an amazing photographer! These pictures are astoundingly much detail!

  6. It is with my old camera as well! I think the secret is that he is so patient - he even puts up with me lol!

  7. What a fabulous capture, just as it emerged. The photos are excellent.

  8. He took some great photos! How exciting to actually see the butterfly just as it has emerged. Iridescent blue wings or not, it sure is beautiful.


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