
Showing posts from October, 2016

Rampant growth in the tropical wet season

I try to cut everything way back at this time of year so that I dont get lots of leggy growth as the plants spurt forth with the approaching wet season.  Last year our wet season was very late in arriving and in fact, we did not get as much rain as usual. The mandevilla vine which shades the herb spiral has had a very severe haircut, which let in lots of light. I need to cut back the lady slipper orchid vine as it is too heavy for the tree it is clambering over - weeping tea tree.  It is looking so beautiful though that I am going to leave it a little longer.  No photo - it keeps turning sideways - does anyone else have that problem? Vegetables and Herbs  I am going to try to keep some greens growing until the very end of the dry season and in actual fact planted out a new supply.   Tatsoi has become my very favourite green, it survived with very little care while I was away, so I added a little more compost around the base of each plant.  The eggplant at the end of this box is

Peace and beauty in the garden

In my last post I talked about how much I love to entertain in the garden. Recently I hosted an afternoon tea, and this weekend a dinner party.  Both of these were outside in the garden.  I made sosaties and tried a new recipe for samoosa pancakes found  here  .  I changed it quite a bit - added waay more spices, and they were a real hit.  I will post both these recipes onto my recipe blog for safekeeping, as I will be making them both again. This is what you look out at when you sit in the gazebo.  We had lots of sunbirds and honeyeaters splashing about in the birdbath - they seem unconcerned by people.  You can see all the fallen blossom on the ground - they get quite aggressive sucking out the nectar from the flowers. A close up of the lady slipper orchids.  My guests response when they saw the orchids up close was amazing.  That just makes me fall in love with my garden all over again. Are you the same?  When someone loves your garden, you are inspired to show i