Garden share collective - colour
The latest garden share collective calls for a a post about colour. Well I suppose brown is a colour! I have been preparing the soil for my main growing season during the last couple of weeks. I spread out some manure (brown), sprinkled a little lime (white) and after lightly digging that in I spread brown cardboard over the top of that! Our local Coles supermarket has been selling little potted herbs for 1.98. These are the best deal ever, they are so crammed with little plants, that I have been buying them and then using them as little transplants. 3.95 for a six pack or 1.98 for a million pack! I got fennel, parsley and even capsicum (the capsicum had two plants.) Here is some of the fennel. They are such delicate little plants, so I just lay them into a trough and filled in from the side. I know we are on the edge of the fennel growing area, so they might not form a bulb. Two different kinds of parsley were planted in the wicking beds, with eggplant in the center.