Rising from dormancy

Lots of things spring to life in my garden once the wet season starts. My ginger bed is erupting with little green spikes and I know under the ground lovely juicy ginger tubers are forming. The sweet potato bed is doing the same, and turmeric is popping up in a couple of places, where I knew I had planted them. The torch ginger and this lovely beehive ginger is flowering, although the leaves never totally die back during the dry season. My neighbor gave me a plant with a beautiful flower at the end of the last wet season. She said it had died and I tried to tell her it was ok but just going dormant. No, she wanted me to have it, insisting I was the one with the green thumb. Here it is rising up in all its glory six months later. Behind it is kampheria, another plant that completely disappears during the dry season. This one I know is...