Red backed foliage

I have recently developed a love for leaves with red backs....  In the shady garden I thought that a lot of plants would not flower and began to look or more interesting foliage,and that is where it all started.  I picked up one of these little plants at the orchid show last year, and have already subdivided them once.
  I volunteered at the local markets on Saturday and  found a few plants I just had to have. The one was this variegated leaf Calathea. I have admired the Calathea with red undersides, and on looking it up discovered that the first plant is also a Calathea, or peacock plant.
 Some plants like this cordeline start off pink and then turn a darker shade as they age.

This one has even more color distinction between the old and new leaves.
I think my favorite foliage plant though has to be this grey leaved rex begonia.  From one little slip I have subdivided it many times and each area you place it in it adds a spot of brightness and color. 

I particularly adore the sun shining through the leaf viewed from behind.  Isn't she a gorgeous plant?

The other plant I got was another Rex begonia, so now I have two varieties.

 It doesn't matter which angle you see the Rex begonia leaves from, front or back, they are still pretty.     Hopefully the new one is just as happy.
I fully intended to have this post ready to go on the 16th for foliage follow up, but I didn't make it.  Oh well.
I did link to Pam at Digging in the end - here is the link Foliage follow up 


  1. Interesting foliage is the backbone of the garden, and you have some really lovely examples. Pam at Digging doesn't seem to mind latecomers to her meme, I'm sure you can still comment and leave your link on her blog. I love red-backed (and fronted) foliage too.

  2. You can join in the Foliage meme whenever you please! I'm glad you did, and like you, I love red-backed leaves as well -- or purple-backed. Ever seen Vitex trifolia 'Purpurea'? Scrumptious!

  3. I love the red foliaged plants you showcased in this post. They are just beautiful. So many different leaf shapes, always something fascinating to see here!

  4. You really do have your own garden of eden going there! I've just visited Alison's blog and toured the glass house conservatory in Seattle with her (you're probably on your way there now, too!) and what you have growing outdoors in your own garden rivals the best. Another very lovely look at your treasured garden! Thank you!

  5. Very nice, I need more colour in my garden and I think it will be my New Years Resolution.

    Though I have been given some orchids which I put over near the dam and they have flowered but I would like more.

    Your garden is inspiring :)

  6. Not just the foliage color I find interesting but the different shapes and sizes of the leaves also. Very tropical indeed.

  7. I enjoyed looking at the red foliages. Its not fall there. But it does feel like fall season.

  8. Nie tylko kwitnące kwiaty mogą zdobić roślinę, ale liście też, jak widać na Twoich zdjęciach. Najbardziej podobają mi się liście trzeciej rośliny. Pozdrawiam

  9. I love that your Rex Begonia is growing so happily in the ground. They're beautiful but are so temperamental here. I can't even grow them in a pot.

  10. Alison,
    Thanks, I added mine to the list!
    thanks for the opportunity to join. That is a lovely plant, there is a purple ground cover here that I like as well.
    my garden took on a different hue once I added them, I really like it.
    Yes I enjoyed that tour too - it is amazing what people can grow in conservatories. I know what lovely plants you grow in your greenhouse.
    glad I could be of some inspiration. Isn't is wonderful to just put orchids tied to a tree somewhere and watch them flower? That never ceases to amaze me.
    Solitude rising,
    yes the furry leaves of the Rex Begonia are very unusual and pretty.
    Malay Kadazan,
    No our seasons are the wet season and the dry season.....
    No mine are in pots, but out in the garden. I don't know why I keep them in pots - I guess I like moving them around for the color. Bernie grows them in pots in her greenhouse - aren't you a similar climate to her?


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