Silk painting in my garden

I have decided that I will in fact only have this one blog for my gardening and my crafts.  After all I am one person with many facets, and this craft is so interwoven with the garden.  After the silk painting course I did I was very excited to continue on.  Unfortunately my silk supplier here in Australia was way too expensive to even think of using, so I had to do a search.
I found a great mail order company with the option of cheap slow shipping, called Dharma trading (they have not given me any compensation for recommending them)  My order initially did not go through and upon inquiring I was told that they had upgraded my shipping to priority so I received my package in record time!
I had a friend come around and we painted on the paint, and then laid leaves and flowers onto the scarves and left them in the sun for the sun to work its magic setting the colour.
 This out we put out while it was much wetter.
the paint seems to have pulled away from the edges - maybe I did not thoroughly wash out any sizing.
I thought the big flowers would leave a great shape
Bit it was the tiny plumbago flowers that worked best!
And the ferns, although I was not happy with the colors on this one - I was thinking of a fern forest.... the cardboard butterflies didn't leave any shape at all.
The paint I used was called Setacolor transparent and sets by using the heat of the sun.  


  1. They look beautiful.It looks like fun experimenting with different flowers.

  2. I think these are the most beautiful pieces of art I have seen, just phenomenal. I am not familiar with painting on silk, but it's apparent you are, just look at the gorgeous results!

    And thank you so much for your comment on Screech. It means so much.

  3. These turned out so pretty! I have used Dharma in the past for silk, they are a great company.

  4. I had no idea how silk painting was done. This is amazing and I love the end result! Beautiful!!

  5. Thank you all,
    I am hoping that next time I will have something really lovely to show, It was fun to do though.


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