This and that in the November garden

I love the garden from this angle, but it never looks quite as good in a photo as it does in real life.
 You have to get in closer to see the colorful cordeline leaves.

This one is the most common and often taken for granted, but its color is always reliable as long as it gets a bit of sunshine.

You have to bend down low to see the ground orchids - they love the wet season.
 and wander down one of the paths to admire the anthiriums - Look at those shiny leaves!
Watch out for the prickles on the pineapple bromeliad! such a cute little thing this is, as long as you don't get too involved with the prickles.
 Thanks for taking a wander through the garden to find its hidden delights.


  1. Oh your anthirium puts mine to shame! And I didn't even know what they were called. Is your pineapple bromeliad an edible one?

  2. that is the cutest little pineapple I have ever seen!

  3. That is a lovely view out the back. I can't believe how well your Hippies have done this year! Well done. Those Anthuriums and ground Orchids look fantastic too. Your pineapple Brom is just the cutest thing! I'm very jealous of your lush green grass too.

  4. I have a small potted specimen of the pink and red/purple cordyline variety on the windowsill but with winter approaching and my window facing east rather than south or west the new leaves are starting to come out smaller and paler... :(

  5. Ja bym też chciała mieć tak pięknie w ogrodzie, niestety nasze kwiaty idą spać teraz. Pozdrawiam

  6. Ali,
    I found that when they find a happy spot they can be really happy. Oh not that little pineapple is about the size of a twenty cent piece, but I do have an edible one growing out the back ;)
    I just love them, other than the prickles.
    Yes we should really have counted, they just keep blooming....well we only have a tiny patch of grass. Not sure what kind it is, but it is very coarse, and doesn't mind the wet weather.
    College gardener,
    I had some in the deep shade and they had no color at all, so they definitely like some sunshine.
    thank you. that is the beauty of the internet - while your flowers sleep you can enjoy the flowers in other countries.

  7. Just stunning! I'd spend much of my day just strolling around admiring all that lush beauty were I there to enjoy it all in person! Your garden has a wonderful feeling of calm about it. So beautiful.


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