Fertilizer Friday/ Flower Flaunt Friday

There I was, once again, admiring Bernie's bloom day post when I thought - oh gosh I have some wonderful photos of my torch ginger ready to go and it is Friday so why don't I enter?  I have been a long time lurker viewing everyone else's wonderful flowers every Friday.  It is time I joined in the fun!
I don't use fertilizer - just my own yummy compost and natural amendments like seaweed and comfrey juice, so I will flaunt without the fertilizing.
The torch ginger has opened up even more  - the best thing about these flowers is that they hang around for so long - it has been in bloom for over a month now.  You can see more photos when it was just opening up.
 Just look at the detail :)
You can see a little ant off to the side if you look closely.  These are green ants (and can give you a nasty bite!) and  they make nests every now and then in our garden.  They are supposedly beneficial so I just try to keep out of their way as much as possible.  If you grab one quickly, before it nips you, and lick its backside it tastes like lemonade!   The aboriginals make a lemonade drink by soaking a few in water.

To see more fantastic Friday blooms to start your weekend off right go to Fertilizer Friday


Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your torch ginger is a beauty! I'm glad you shared it.
    The day I even think of licking the backside of an ant, they'll have to take me away. :-)

  2. I'm wild about gingers. Putting Torch Ginger on my list to look for. We have fire ants; they don't smell so good.

  3. The torch ginger is awesome. I am so glad you shared it!

  4. Sublime color and form, totally!

    Flaunt away, you deserve it;-D

  5. So pretty flower. I wish that I can smell it from here.

  6. Beautiful, but I will give the butt licking a miss thanks!

  7. The Torch Ginger bloom is most certainly worth a flaunt. It's just stunning. Had to chuckle over the green ants! I've never tried the backside licking, I'm just not quick enough. Lol, not sure I really want to give it a go anyway!!

  8. That's a beautiful and unusual flowers. Lovely shade of pink.

  9. Great-looking blooms. Those are fantastic macro shots, Gillian.

  10. Oh, what a gorgeous flower! Hmm...ant licking, who first thought of doing that?

  11. Kwiat jest śliczny.Szkoda,że u nas takie nie mogą rosnąć. Pozdrawiam

  12. I'd have no desire to lick the backside of a green ant! Who on earth thought to do that? Your torch ginger flower is gorgeous and has opened up beautifully! Marvellous close ups as always!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Lavender cottage,
    thank you - funny how as a tourist you do things you would never do at home!
    Nell Jean,
    Oh, I used to live in Florida and I don't miss the fire ants... they say some have moved in here and are taking steps before it becomes an infestation.
    thanks Beth and Alice and Garden Girl.
    Malay Kadazan girl,
    They don't seem to have any scent!
    Bernie, Rohrebot, and Giga,
    thank you - I am just so lucky to live where these blooms are commonplace!
    I reckon they must have been pretty desperate to think of doing that the first time!
    Jacqueline and Desiree,
    Well, if you could see me in the garden doing those close ups.... I don't have a fancy camera with all the settings, and I really should wear my glasses.lol Luckily I can toss out all the ones that don't work!


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