Garden bloggers bloom day November 15th eventually

I have been enjoying the garden bloggers bloom day posts that everyone else participates in, and suddenly I thought why don't I participate? - so here I am!  On the 15th of every month Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts a celebration of what is in bloom all around the world.   Have a look and enjoy...
I have a new plant!  My wonderful hubby will often bring me a lovely bunch of flowers, (I know, I am very spoiled) but last week he showed up with a hydrangea bush!  Gosh I have never seen such beautiful, large flowers - and such a lovely shade of blue!
Just look at all the little buds waiting to have their turn to shine - aren't they just too cute for words?.
 They do like a semi shaded spot, and I thought right at the front gate would be just perfect. Morning sun, and then afternoon shade - just perfect. Doesn't she look happy there?  thank you hubby!

I think I am going to need a bit of cooling blue - this summer is going to be very hot and wet.  Just through the gate we are under the shade of the lychee tree and it is always so much cooler there....

 I noticed this weekend I had to take a lot of contemplative "rests" in the shade.   I do think this is a very important part of gardening, so make sure you take the time to sit back and enjoy your garden.


  1. That is a very beautiful shade of blue and such large flowers. I look forward to seeing your newest addition bloom and thrive in your garden!

  2. It is just beautiful. Such a gorgeous blue and it looks fabulous next to the Iresine and the Pseuderanthemum. I know I've been enjoying the garden lately while the weather has continued to be relatively mild.

  3. I am glad that you shared your lovely blooms for Bloom Day. The hydrangea is very pretty. They never bloom blue in my garden. Only pinks and whites. What a considerate husband you have! Happy Bloom Day!

  4. We call it 'constructive staring' when we just stop and look. And Look. How else can we know what goes where and how?

  5. So do I Karen - you don't see a lot of them around, so will give it extra loving care.
    Yes I think it is a good color match, and will be a bright spot at the entrance. Mild? I think we are slap bang into summer already here.:0
    I understand you have to have acid soil to keep them blue and alkaline for pink. My hubby is very special.
    Quite right! unfortunately my sitting down often leads to more work....

  6. Oh my that is beautiful... my favorite color, my favorite bloom. Lucky you my dear.

  7. Carolyn,
    I am just hoping the weather is not too hot and humid for it here.

  8. That Hydrangea is lovely! I can imagine how great it'll look in a few years!

  9. Ooh, another Aussie blog! I love your hydrangea and I enjoyed reading the quotes down the side, I'd never seen the full version of "one is nearer God's heart in a garden" either.


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