Large Heleconias

The sexy pink lady has been blooming - right in the back corner, and high up so nobody could really get to enjoy it. I cut it down and put it inside in a vase - luckily I have this wonderful vase big enough to accommodate such a large flower. a week or so ago I noticed that the other large heleconia is also blooming - there was just a bit of red peeking out between the leaves. Now it is beginning to unfurl - I always think the flowers that take so long to open seem to last the longest, so I am curbing my impatience. It is a fairly large plant, but hopefully I can curtail its growth enough to have a few flowers yet not allow it to overtake the whole garden. I have already transplanted a few cuttings out into the central island where there is more room for it to grow and spread. I am linking this post to Noels hot loud and proud meme - check out more hot loud and proud tropical plants and flowers her...