Homemade Christmas gifts

I have been following along with Fiona at Life at Avondale Farm as she makes homemade Christmas gifts and posts about them each Wednesday - Ooops I know I am bit late, but better late than never. I normally make a gift for each of the members of the bible study I attend on Mondays, and last year I made a plate of baked goodies. Two of the members are diabetic and I really think baked good are an unfair gift to give them. I had a bumper crop of loofas this year, and so I decided to make some bath salts to go along with them. this is the recipe I used: 2 cups epsom salts 2 cups sea salt 2 Tbs baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) mix all together and then add 20 drops (approximately) essential oil flower petals. I made lavender, with lavender petals and then I made some with rose buds and that was scented with bergamot and lime. I think they look quite pretty all packaged up. The bot...