Homemade Christmas gifts

I have been following along with Fiona  at Life at Avondale Farm as she makes homemade Christmas gifts and posts about them each Wednesday - Ooops I know I am  bit late, but better late than never.
I normally make a gift for each of the members of the bible study I attend on Mondays, and last year I made a plate of baked goodies.  Two of the members are diabetic and I really think baked good are an unfair gift to give them.
I  had a bumper crop of loofas this year, and so I decided to make some bath salts to go along with them. this is the recipe I used:

2 cups epsom salts
2 cups sea salt
2 Tbs baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
mix all together and then add
20 drops (approximately) essential oil
flower petals.

I made lavender, with lavender petals and then I made some with rose buds and that was scented with  bergamot and lime.  I think they look quite pretty all packaged up.
The bottles were sold as spice bottles at Crazy Clarks, and I think are just the right size..
I am also making snowflakes, but will leave that for next week!  don't worry they wont melt!


  1. Very beautiful. Personal, homemade....excellent gifts:)

    1. Rohrerbot,
      These are the type of gifts I love to give (and receive)

  2. That is a great gift - especially since it is hand grown and handmade. I would never have thought to make bathsalts but it is quite easy with your recipe(a gift in itself - thanks)

    1. Roz,
      yes I am pleased with how nicely they turned out. I looked at the bath bombs and they seemed so fiddly.

  3. Your home-made bottled bath-salts are pretty and practical too. The recipients would certainly appreciate them. Later the jars would come in useful too.

  4. I´ve saved your recipe, so I´will make some next week after I return from my trip to Adelaide. Great idea.

    1. Sami,
      Have a wonderful trip, yes I think it is a nice gift to have on standby as well. I might have to make some more...

  5. Thanks for linking up this week, I have made Bath Salts before and they make a great gift.

    1. Fiona,
      I am glad I eventually got around to linking up - and will do another next week. It is great to share ideas of handmade gifts.

  6. What a fantastic idea. Home grown and home made - gifts made with time and love!

    I have planted some of the loofah seeds you sent me - a couple straight in the ground and a couple in a small seed pot - so far nothing. I have a few left and will keep trying. Any tips? You clearly have a knack for loofah!

    1. Laura,
      Oh gosh, sorry - mine come up all over the place. You have reasonably high temperatures, don't you? I can only think it must be a bit dry - remember it is very humid up here and those are actually wet season plants!

    2. When I planted them it was probably only mid-20s. It's topping 30 this week so maybe they'll sprout. I do keep them (or the dirt which holds them) well watered - at least the ones in a pot. If nothing shows next week after this heat wave I'll try putting in another batch of seeds. You gave me some spares so I'm going to keep trying.

  7. I want to try these homemade salts. I think they are pretty and so good for our skin. Also, your gardens are just beautiful. I didn't realize that Queensland was so tropical! Thank you for your visit to Deep Roots. Blessings, dear Africanaussie!

    1. Jacqueline,
      Yes I tried some and the scent seems to stay on your skin, and it does make your skin soft. Oh yes, I live in the northern part of Queensland, almost in the rainforest ;) Sometimes the hot humid summers seem to go on forever, but that is also the season when we get our most beautiful flowers, so that is the payoff!

  8. Fantastic gift idea. Am I to presume that my package is on its way?
    I will definitely be trying this recipe...thanks.
    We used to have a loofah vine when I was a kid. They work really well in the bath.
    I use an epsom salts foot bath soak whenever my feet are tired from gardening or working around the house.
    I'll be making some homemade pepper jelly and chutneys as part of my gift giving this year.

    1. Virginia,
      Oh these are a bit heavy to post, but hang in there, I think I will be coming up with a worldwide giveaway later on in the week.
      I love my loofah in the bath, and the homegrown ones are softer. Next year I really will try and make soap to go with them. Oh yummy I love pepper jelly.

  9. These look lovely. I can't wait to find out about the snow flakes you are making.

    1. Kim,
      I am frantically making more since I decided to give some away!

  10. Dearest africanaussie,
    Wow, wonderful homemade gifts with natural materials♡♡♡ ; haha, impossible for me to try.
    I am so sorry for my absence lately, lovely visit today, my Aussie friend ♬♬♬
    Have a marvelous week of the last month.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you Miyako,
      Hope you have a good week too, and a little bit of free time to relax!

  11. Awww so cute...wish the gift is for me to...hehehe...

    1. Malay Kadazan,
      there are so many lovely ideas around for homemade gifts - I wish I had more time to try some of them out.


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