Ready for another wet season

As the heat and humidity increases so the tropical flowers really flout their colours....  this is the time of year when I wonder if I have really planted too many plants too closely together in my small garden.   Actually I know I have, as I am continually giving extras away!  This roheo edge needs to be thinned out yet again...

 The ground orchids love this time of year, and I am glad to see the darker pink ones have come up again.
 I couldn't resist this plant at the market the other day - the red flowers are slowly starting to open up. I am not sure how big it gets, but just loved the pop of color it provides.  Isn't it strange the way the flowers pop out from between the leaves.  Anyone know what this is?
One of my orchids has also started to flower - lots of little flowers that remind me of poached eggs.
I guess I am thinking of poached eggs because I have been harvesting lots of yummy asparagus. :)


  1. Part of the fun of gardening is being able to give away excess plants isn't it. Your garden is looking lush and healthy and I'm sure there's always takers for your excess. I don't know what the red flower is but suspect it's related to the justica family the way they open and from what I can see of the leaves. It's spectacular whatever it is.

    1. Missy,
      I just love sharing my plants around :) I also thought Justica but couldn't find anything quite like it online.

  2. I'm still jealous of your lovely green grass! Your garden is certainly enjoying the build-up to summer. Down here we're really hanging out for the rains now. Everything is just so dry and parched.

    Your poached egg Orchid is lovely, and that red plant is known as Pachystachys coccinea, also known as Justicia coccinea, so Missy was on the right path. It's commonly called Cardinal's Guard.

    1. Bernie,
      I knew I would be able to count on you! I like the name Cardinals Guard as it is just at the entrance to the path. My little patch of grass is only about 15ft by 3ft - nothing like your acres! I am sure you must get some rain soon - it seems to be all around you...

  3. Your garden looks so lush. My roheo has been greatly decimated by the snails this year! That red flowers are beautiful.

    1. Sami,
      Oh gosh I didn't think anything attacked roheo! It would be hard to find them in among those dense leaves.

  4. Beautiful garden views as usual...I love when I can share plant babies from my garden.
    That is an unusual orchid flower that's for sure, but pretty, none the less.

    1. Virginia, Yes I am not exactly sure where I got that orchid from, but one thing about those tiny orchids as that the sprays seem to last for a long time.

  5. You can keep the humidity....but I so do love your garden. Look at how everything has filled in!!! Very nice!

    1. Rohrerbot,
      Every wet season I wonder why I live in this climate, but then I look outside and see the flowers, and then I remember. :)

  6. Once again, I am entranced by the tropical beauty of the plants in your garden. The red flower is amazing and just look at those orchids!

    You have very lucky friends who are offered excess plants from your beautiful garden.

    1. Karen,
      So glad I can share my garden with others, and most of my plants came form friends sharing with me, so the circle continues....

  7. I wish my garden was as lush as yours..
    Please pop over,I'm having a giveaway..xx

    1. Tara,
      I wish my house was as beautiful as yours.... I entered the giveaway - thank you!

  8. I also love your orchid, saw it in the last orchid show here. That red one is lovely too, but don't know how it's called, maybe related to Justicia plants.


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