Garage sale trellises

Over the weekend on the way to the beach with the grand kids, we detoured off the road to find a garage sale, and just as we were leaving I saw these wooden trellises propped up against a dresser.  At one dollar each I thought I could definitely use a few.  I picked up five - maybe I should have got more as now I can imagine all sorts of projects.....
 We did our bit to clean up the beach and brought back some yummy seaweed for the compost.... along with some ash from a  fire.  That always gets the compost chugging along nicely.  My bin is starting to split - It is three years old, but I tend to push against that side when stirring it up.  At the end of the wet season I will empty it out and turn it around.  That should give me a few more years.
The pumpkin vine was not offering up any more pumpkins so out it went - also into the compost!  On went a layer of mulch - this hay mulch is quite messy but at only five dollars a bale it is a good deal.
Someone was not too happy about me spending too much time out in the back garden....  the little honeyeater would dart around chirping  and telling me that she wanted to get back to her nest....  I am not sure if they are using it or not - normally they would just ignore us when we went out there.  Personally I think her house could do with a title tidying up.
 At the end of this winding path is where I plan on using three of those trellises......
 Stephanotis corner:  I am going to build an arch for the Stephanotis to climb over and hopefully attach the orchids to the sides.  This is all a rather messy corner, so I need a bit of a plan.
1. do I paint the wood? What colour?  that blue pot looks nice - maybe a bright feature there would be nice. I think it might protect it from the elements.  They are not very sturdy, but the stephanotis vine is not heavy so I think it will be ok.  I will raise it up off the ground on bricks.  The iron archway I originally wanted was way out of my gardening budget.
2. Do I put it an an angle diagonally - like the bamboo the orchid pots are hanging on - or flat against the gate?
3. The orchids are in a mismatched set of pots, so I was thinking I might at the same time make some little wooden pots for the orchids.
It looks as though this will be my Christmas holiday project... do you have a gardening project for the Christmas holidays?


  1. SCORE!!!
    You lucky girl! Those trellises have lots of potential and at that price, you did well.
    Enjoy planning your garden projects. Keep in mind though that as the stephanotis gets bigger it will get sturdier and heavier.
    Thanks for reminding me that it's time to gather some seaweed from the beach for my garden too.

    1. I am hoping the stephanotis will not get too heavy. they have tendrils that they wind around everything they touch, so hopefully that tends to reinforce it! lol. There is something quite wonderful about gathering seaweed - enjoy it!

  2. Wow! What a great bargain those trellises were. They look sturdy enough to have a few more good years of use in them. I do have a few Christmas/winter garden projects to do. I need to move a handful of shrubs that I planted too far away from the fence. Here in the PNW the early winter/late fall is a good time for moving plants.

    1. Alison,
      Oh yes I remember the rain there in the winter - your ground will be nice and soft for digging!

  3. Well done on the trellises. I've been looking for something like that myself. Must start going to garage sales!
    The blue looks good in that corner and stands out so I agree a bright feature would attract the eye and look good I think. I don't know about the angle.
    I have so many gardening and house projects planned for Christmas but know I won't get through half of them. :)
    Good luck with yours

    1. I also think blue would be nice, and am thinking right against the gate instead of crosswise. That might also support it. I never get to the end of my "project list" as I always seem to be adding more to the bottom.

  4. A great bargain. I think blue would look great on that corner. I was busy in the garden this past weekend preparing for summer and for the Christmas lunch gathering. Happy gardening.

    1. Sami,
      I generally never think of adding bright colours, but love the look in other peoples gardens... Your garden is looking good for your Christmas lunch.

  5. That is really an exciting project - Christmas or not.
    I'm very certain whatever that you choose blue or a trailing plant - it will still look gorgeous.
    So - enjoy and find the best what you enjoy most in seeing the garden according to your liking.

    1. James,
      Oh my garden brings me such a lot of pleasure you are right.

  6. I thought of gathering some red pots for Christmas... if I see any. Btw I would have pick up those trellises as well ;-) Happy painting them!

  7. Well done on scoring those trellises.

    I love the honey eater nest - messy or no. Maybe there are babies in there (when is breeding season up there?) - keep an eye out!

    1. Yes it is about this time that we have had babies before - I hope they don't abandon it now.

  8. Your winding path looks beautiful. Great purchase on those trellises. It's always so much fun to find a bargain.

    1. Susan -
      yes that path is a lovely feature in the garden, and it just evolved over time :) a bargain is good, but a bargain for the garden is ten times better!

  9. What a great deal on the trellises! I love the idea of painting them a color. Blue or purple even would be fun. Enjoy your project!

    1. Catherine,
      Ooops no! I think my hubby would draw the line at purple or pink in the garden!


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