Slow living for the month of March

Linking to SLOW LIVING - Month by Month March 2012 NOURISH: Really work on selecting a few favourite recipes from the piles and piles of recipes I have accumulated . Share favourites on my recipe blog . recipe blog I have perfected an Indian curry recipe base, and this can be used for so many different curries. We get a seafood mix called marinara and I have never really found any good recipes for it. Check out seafood parcels at the above site - definitely a keeper. I have also joined -the-urban-farm-handbook-challenge . Last month was building the soil. This month has been home dairy. I already make yoghurt, but this month I made cheese, both ricotta and paneer. PREPARE : make my lunches in advance. Every weekend when I have just done a grocery shop I take out the older vegetables, mix with some lentils and stock and leave it bubbling...