Sunshine - is the wet season over yet?

This week there have been a few days of sunshine and I noticed my personal solar panels are charged up and I am ready to go!  I do hope that the wet season is finally over.  I clipped and pruned and yanked and finally got rid of the pink bouganvilla.  The flowers were pretty but it was far too aggressive for that little corner.  I know, I know lots of  people warned me!  there is still one peach colored bouganvilla there, but I don't think it is quite as aggressive.  I will be keeping an eye out.

 Slowly the flowers will shed the weight of the water of the wet season

 their heads will no longer bow down with the weight of the water on their shoulders

I don't believe I have shown you the view out from the big gate - the little garden in the center is filling in nicely.  I wont show you a close photo right now though, as a lot of that filling in is with weeds....
 OK really, really close you can see the pretty Cordelines out there - they have loved all the rain and a bit of sunshine now makes them blush a deep pink.
Everyone assures me that the wet season is not over yet, but give me a little sunshine and I am hard to convince.  This weekend has nothing on the schedule other than gardening.....
.in the sunshine.  

Oh yes,  I am smiling.


  1. Lovely pictures Gill. I hope you have a little reprieve from the wet season even if it isn't over yet.
    Thank you for the parsnip seeds. I am just getting around to thanking you, having been away for a while with my son. Just had parsnip soup for dinner tonight so I am very keen to plant some more.

    1. Tracy,
      A reprieve is all we had :( You are welcome - and I hope the parsley seeds grow well for you.

  2. Beautiful pictures, especially the cordyline! They are pink like that here in Sydney too at the moment.

    1. Hi adam,
      I love it when they go that bright pink, but don't seem to be able to control it...

  3. Replies
    1. Clint,
      thank you, it sure brings me lots of pleasure.

  4. We have sunshine here today as well. A perfect day for gardening.

    1. Missy,
      I hope you managed to get out and enjoy as well. I rather overdid it and am happy to be resting my aching muscles today!

  5. Keep looking on the bright side of all that sunshine - and know that the weeds will as well :-O I love that you can enjoy the infilling of weeds from a distance. You gave me a smile with that one, thanks!

    1. It was good while it lasted. From a distance weeds still look green :)

  6. It is really blushing. Bougainvillea looks really good in bonsai structure as well.

    1. Malay Kadazan, maybe I should have tried bonsai, because this one turned into a monster.

  7. I'm so glad your personal solar panels are recharged! So many beauties in your garden and they are all looking forward to sunshine too.

    1. Karen,
      I realize I have no right to complain when others barely see the sun! Teh weekend was was lovely, but is back to raining again today.

  8. Everything is so gorgeous!! I would love to post your first picture on my blog with credit to your blog...we are trying to build a country cabin on our acreage here in Texas and I love the look of your walking path among the stones with the lush plantings surrounding it. Your place is amazing! I'm a new reader and so glad to have stopped by. Can you let me know if I may post your photo as part of my "wish list" for landscaping, etc.? We are moving from Houston, Texas to the country...our house in the city is currently for sale, so it won't be long.

    Happy gardening!


    1. I thought I had responded to this but it didn't seem to post. I would be honored for you to use the first picture on your blog with credit attached.

  9. Just two years ago there was nothing but grass and a lychee tree in our backyard... you can do it!

  10. Your garden is absolutely beautiful! Such an array of colours, and all the lush greens make it look very healthy and happy indeed. I hear the tropics is great for gardening, although I'm curious to know how you handle all the humidity? ;)
    Have a lovely week!


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