A few of my favourite things

I love to have flowers in the garden, and this little corner was not getting enough light, so I trimmed back some of the overhanging branches and open the gate when I am home to let the sunshine stream in.  We are still in the rainy season so drying out the soil occasionally is important.   At the very least it helps to slow down the mosquito breeding.
 These red gingers never stop flowering and provide constant colour.
 Right in the back corner is my very favourite flower - the sexy pink lady, and once again I have a bud forming.  Just in time for our house guests - old friends from America.  I hope the weather is kind to them. I am glad the garden is getting ready to show off  its best.
Just below the pink lady is a pink ginger - not as prolific as the red, but the same family.


  1. Gorgeous shots of your yard! So lush and green. It's really strange to see your post on Tuesday when it isn't Tuesday here yet:) Therefore it's my theory that you live in the future!:) I like your border garden....very warm and inviting. Enjoy your Tuesday!

    1. Well I think my gardening is very down to earth, not futuristic at all! I often get into a knot calling my daughter in America working out the dates and times...

  2. you have such a beautiful yard. Thank you for sharing!

    1. thank you for the compliment. I love to share my garden.

  3. Replies
    1. I try to have variegated foliage for the times when there are no flowers so you don't notice that as much. Hopefully with more light now i will get more flowers.

  4. That area looks fabulous as you follow the stepping stones in from the gate. All the plants look happier with the light flooding in. Speaking of flooding ... the rain seems to have stopped down here too. Looks like the dry season has arrived.

    1. Yes I am really happy with how that little path turned out. Shh yes I am hoping it lasts - I am really enjoying a bit of sunshine and so are all my little seedlings.... I love this time of year.

  5. Fabulous pix. i love tropical gardens they have such a rich shiny verdant look. Thank you for commenting on the native place garden blog. i cant wait to browse through your many sites

    1. I enjoy seeing what other gardeners are doing all over the world. Especially in other tropical places, so that I can try different things that might work here.

  6. Wow....beautiful captures.

    1. Hi Wren,
      welcome and thank you,
      thanks for commenting so that I could in turn find your blog - lovely memories you share there.

  7. The flashy red ginger flower is so stunning! I'm sure your lucky visitors will find themselves transported to another realm walking down your lovely winding path, taking in the scenery.

    Thank you for your kind comments on my post....yes, our winter was so quick and easy it was like it never really happened. Normally we would still have snow on the ground and never, ever, ever hit 80 degrees in March. I was glad for the snow we did receive, but we could have used more. And the Tiffany lamp is soldered on the outside but not on the inside yet. I will be writing a post about it very soon. I'm so flattered that you remembered! It turned out ok, but I'm not sure my color choices were all that great.

    I always enjoy my virtual visits to your lovely garden!

    1. Karen,
      Thank you! I do hope they enjoy it. I was in the pool last night as three kookaburras were doing their nightly call for directions down to the creek, and was reminded what a magical place we live in! Note to self - have to remember to take them to the pool at sunset. I am totally enthralled by your stained glass!

  8. Your garden is really splendid. And red gingerand pink ginger look so tropical♪♪♪
    I guess it is getting a bit cool? Take care of yourself.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      Thank you, tropical plants are so easy to grow here, I am very blessed. Well most people would not call it cool,(27*C) but for us it is a relief from the heat and humidly of the wet season.

  9. A new lay out. Your ginger looks lovely like the bright colour! Is that growing in shade?

    1. Yes they seem to like the semi-shade, I try to cut back some of the overhanging branches when it gets too much. The pink is deeper in and maybe that is why it doesn't flower as much

  10. I love your shady back corner, and am envious of both your red ginger and the beautiful heliconia. I have the spiral red ginger, but I prefer yours, and very leafy heliconias that never flower. Sigh!

    1. Yes it is funny that my heleconia s didn't flower much at first either- try some chook poo! they seem to love that.


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