Don't harvest something you have just planted!

I had a bit of a slump in the garden - life took over, and I just never seemed to find the time to get out there. This last weekend I found two and a half glorious free hours so I rushed around doing an amazing amount of gardening in that short time. I have noticed cockroaches in the compost bin and think it must be because I have not been mixing it as often as before. I think we are just about ready for a new bin - this one is collapsing, the next one will go against the back fence. I am wondering about moving my lime tree out of the pot and into that space vacated by the bin. That soil must be amazing by now, it seems silly not to use it for something. I am still not a huge fan of fruit trees in pots. It is called a patio lime so I imagine will be able to be kept small with pruning in the ground. The bottom section of the herb spiral is where I normally plant my parsley but this year I have parsley in odd pots around the garden and ...