Weekly healthy living catchup - lose it ... naturally

I have been mulling over whether to do a post on nutrition and all the new fads that keep coming up.  What exactly works, and what is just a new fad.
For the last couple of months I changed a few things, and something is definitely working. albeit slowly.  I don't know if like me you change a bunch of different things at one time, or try things one by one. I thought about doing a survey to see if the majority of people think hard before changing to a new fangled idea or put a lot of thought into it, or add things one by one to see what actually makes a difference. Then I saw that Jenny at  one body for living started a similar idea.  see her badge off to the right and sign up if you want .
these are the things/ideas I have changed recently:
1.  I get up half an hour earlier and straight away have four glasses of water.
2.  I go for a walk for that half hour, sometimes it is dark when I start out, but I love that quiet time and to see the sky lighten.  I pray, meditate, deep breathe, and listen to the kookaburras as they wake up and start to chortle in the trees.
3.  I then have a little bit of fruit - an apple, or a couple of slices of pawpaw.
4.  Two hours later I have my breakfast - soaked oatmeal.  Into a cup of plain yoghurt I add half a cup of raw oats, 2 Tbs sunflower seeds, 1 Tbs sesame seeds, 1 tsp cinnamon, I packet stevia, 2 tsp chia seeds.  I have been doing this the night before and it sets up quite firmly.
5.   I have 3 cups of green tea during the day.
I was hoping to have some sort of forum where we could introduce new ideas we have tried, and share new websites.  Lets join in with Jenny if you have something to share, and do be sure to check in every week.
Here are some websites I have found really useful:
http://www.foodmatters.tv/  this website is chockablock full of great ideas.  I got the food matters DVD from the local library.  Sign up for their newsletter and receive lots of really good information. see you next week :)


  1. You are being very disciplined, getting up earlier in winter! I have been drinking more water, but I don't think I could drink 4 glasses at once. Did you work up to it a bit at a time?

    1. Lyn,
      I have always been able to drink large quantities of water. I actually love the taste of water in the morning.

  2. Love the sound of this new lifestyle. When you soak your oatmeal do you leave it in the fridge? I've started the 8 week I Quit Sugar programme by Sarah Wilson. Week 2 and I'm going well. Already notice a difference.

    1. Hi Sarah,
      welcome! Yes I put it into the fridge, I suppose you don't have to to, but I like it cold. I make my own yogurt which is a bit thinner. If you use greek yoghurt like Jalna, it would probably be good to add a bit of extra whey or milk. Good for you, I have tried to cut back on sugar, but it calls me back occasionally.

    2. Hello africanaussie, I just typed the same question as Sarah and deleted it after I look a little upwards and noticed her comments and your answer. Glad you answered it. Thank you. Keep up the good work and have a great Monday, cheers, Stephanie

    3. No problem, thanks for checking in.

  3. I have been reading all about soaking things like oats in 'Nourishing Traditions' . I have been using lots of sour dough for cooking and I can't believe how good my tummy feels and the improvement in my allergies. I finding out what changes people have made to lifestyle/diet and how it affects them. Sometimes it can be small habitual change that makes all the difference.

    1. Kim,
      Yes that is where I first read about it. I make a lovely lentil soup with sprouted lentils - the recipe is in my recipe blog - link off to the right. I also made a bread that had soaked oats - must look for that recipe again. I have never had much success with sourdough - maybe because I really don't cook bread often enough. glad to know you are having success.

  4. I changed my diet years ago, after much reading and researching.
    Since I changed to a basic vegetarian way of eating, my asthma went away.
    I still have a few allergies. Even though I eat no read meat and stay away from the mucus forming foods like dairy products, I still find myself reaching for the sugary stuff. I've been working on this over many years, and I'm still working at it.
    I loved some of the things in your list, and I will try to incorporate them as well....thanks.

    1. Virginia,
      Yes I like to have a few vegetarian meals a week, please share your recipes :) I think my next change will be to give up the sugar. So hard.

  5. mmmm old age brings a bit more wisdom about eating but it sure is hard to give up the old bad habits. A few good habits that I have stayed with over the years is eating papaya for breakfast most days and adding a tablespoon of oat bran to the morning porridge/oatmeal for extra fiber. aloha

    1. Stellamarina,
      Oh I love papaya too, but only eat it when our tree fruits, and lately they have slowed down. I think they like more sunshine. My second tree that I pruned a while back is full of fruit now, so hopefully soon we will have plenty.

  6. Four glasses? That's wonderful! I only have one, and then my first black coffee for the day. Something I'd like to change.
    Love the idea of a forum....
    Thank you for the link. I'm rather ill today with a nasty tummy bug so I will have time for a good browse.

    1. Jenny,
      glad you like the idea. Oh gosh sorry you are feeling poorly, hope things get sorted soon.


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