No theme today

I just tried to make some sense of the assortment of photos on my desktop waiting to be posted, and I can see no theme, so will just post them all and hope you enjoy them! I have the flu and that could be why I just cant summon up any clever commentary. This is called the African mask, and is slowly recovering from all the extra sunshine after the pruning. The details of a bromeliad flower stalk was intriguing. This little coleus is a great groundcover. the garden has recovered, but lots of weeding is needed. Geisha girl is a wonderful attractor for butterflies and bees. Another bromeliad bloom - very short life though - no more than a week. I never tire of sunshine and cordelines. Inside the bouganvilla are teeny tiny flowers. This broad leaved cordeline has pretty colours. Crotons are quite slow growing but add some wonderful colour to the garden. Cosmos make themselves at home all over my g...