Harlequin carrots harvested!

I have been waiting for the Harlequin carrots from MrFothergills to raise their shoulders above the ground,  and then the other day I thought I would take a peek.... wow!  huge carrots, and so straight!   Funnily enough all the purple ones seem stunted and I seem to have lost the straight rows - even though the regular carrots were planted evenly with carrot tape.  This is a great time in the garden - cucumbers are struggling with downy mildew, but there are four different kinds of lettuces - plenty for a daily salad.

  I thought the white carrots looked a bit insipid but they have the nicest flavour.  I haven't cooked any -  they make great snacks to munch on - even hubby has been known to do that.  He commented the other day (after I cooked the pumpkin vines) that as long as it grows in the garden I will eat it.  I said "well honey I don't eat the grass", but then I thought about the fact that I had been thinking of growing barley grass.... :)  I guess it takes all types.
The parsley seeds that MrFothergills sent me in the little pot were enough to also plant out my lower section of the the herb spiral.  I love having ample amounts of flat leaf parsley in the garden.

Talking of eating everything, I do hate waste, and we have been having high wind, which yesterday knocked over one branch of my pawpaw tree - loaded with 10  pawpaws, all green. 

 I have not been that crazy about green papaya salad in the past, but figured I had to find a way to use them up.  Last night I grated up a papaya and looked up my recipe.  I didn't have bean sprouts - I really must start those ones MrFothergills sent me, they would have been perfect.  My fish sauce smelt off so that went into the bin, and I used soy sauce instead.  It turned out lovely so maybe I will use soy sauce in future. Here is the recipe. My problem might be with fish sauce as I saw it made in the islands and cant get that image out of my mind. I am "sure?" the commercial stuff is not made the same way... but still.  

The vegetable garden is looking a bit messy at the moment. 
 The vegetables have also spilled into the flower garden under the lychee tree.  Tomatoes are popping up everywhere, and I have let them wander wherever they want to, and hubby keeps kindly staking them so they don't fall into the path.
The lines in the garden between vegetable and flower beds are getting a little looser.


  1. I am so jealous!!! Your place is so green and filling in! Those carrots look really good....and lettuce. I'd let any tomato grow wherever they wanted as well:)

    1. Dont be too jealous - a lot of that green is weeds!

  2. Oh your vegies are just so way ahead of ours down here in the south.

    1. Purplepear,
      winter and spring are our good growing months - summer just gets too hot and humid.

  3. Great looking carrots. I put some in a little while ago so we will see what happens

    1. Fiona,
      It is the first time I have grown them and although they do take up a lot of space for a long time I think they are worth growing.

  4. Dearest africanaussie,
    Oh, you always show us great harvest of different kind of vegetable♬♬♬ I'e never had green papaya, haha. I admire you for your healthy home made salad!!!
    Hope your spring is good for your plants
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      I love to eat anything out of the garden, and yes this time of year is great for growing edibles

  5. Dearest Africanaussie,

    You are showing quite a harvest here! Lucky you for having fertile soil and being able to grow all this.
    Guess those green papaya are like the Indonesian carica papaya.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Mariette,
      Yes it is the same. You can also use it in curries as a vegetable, which is the way most Indonesians use it.

    2. Thanks for telling!
      You enjoy your bountiful harvest. Happy eating!

  6. You are harvesting so much but still have heaps in the ground. I have no idea how you get so much out of so little space. It's fantastic.

    1. Laura,
      I think every year gets a little better.

  7. Harliquin carrots? So they are all different colours (just making sure I have the right end of the stick here...) Ive never seen a white carrot *adds white carrot seed to shopping list* - Kara

    1. Practical frog -
      they came in a mixed pkg from MrFothergills called harlequin carrots. I haven't seen the colors sold separately.

  8. Those white carrots look very interesting, and it's a good thing that hubby enjoyed them. I have seen the purple ones, but now I will have to seek out some white carrot seeds.
    I also like the idea of a green papaya salad, although I think I will try it in a curried style.
    Thanks for all these lovely food combinations.

  9. Those white carrots look very interesting, and it's a good thing that hubby enjoyed them. I have seen the purple ones, but now I will have to seek out some white carrot seeds.
    I also like the idea of a green papaya salad, although I think I will try it in a curried style.
    Thanks for all these lovely food combinations.


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