No theme today

I just tried to make some sense of the assortment of photos on my desktop waiting to be posted, and I can see no theme, so will just post them all and hope you enjoy them!
I have the flu and that could be why I just cant summon up any clever commentary.
This is called the African mask, and is slowly recovering from all the extra sunshine after the pruning.
 The details of a bromeliad flower stalk was intriguing.

 This little coleus is a great groundcover.
the garden has recovered, but lots of weeding is needed.
 Geisha girl is a wonderful attractor for butterflies and bees.
 Another bromeliad bloom - very short life though - no more than a week.
 I never tire of sunshine and cordelines.
 Inside the bouganvilla are teeny tiny flowers.
 This broad leaved cordeline has pretty colours.
Crotons are quite slow growing but add some wonderful colour to the garden.
 Cosmos make themselves at home all over my garden
 especially because they attract butterflies.
Have a great weekend........


  1. Your Alocasia amazonica 'African Mask' is striking. It is a good foliage to plant. I used to have a huge clump but of late it suffered from being water logged. The butterfly has such an astounding vivid blue hue.

    1. Stiletto,
      It does seem to like shade! as it was looking a bit sad for a while there. It is a great plant - I hope yours comes back again.

  2. You mentioned weeding but I don't see any weed around...everything look so green and lovely. Hope you feel much better soon. The cosmos seeds you gave us was very drought-hardy and it makes the patch look so good when other plant suffered with burns from the scorching mid-summer heat and heat-waves.

    1. Malay Kadazan,
      Oh they are there :) Yes that cosmos is all over my garden. I am glad your cosmos is doing well. some people call it a bit weedy, but something so pretty that also attracts butterflies will always have a home in my garden!

  3. So sorry to hear that you have the flu, please get better soon.
    With all that beautiful foliage around you, I am sure you are already on the road to recovery.
    Forget about the weeding for now...drink lots of liquids and get some rest.

    1. Virginia,
      Yes I generally bounce back quite quickly so cant complain. I have been enjoying tea as you will see from my next post!

  4. Mam nadzieję, ze grypa już przechodzi. Niektóre Twoje kwiaty u nas tylko mogą rosnąć w doniczkach. Niebieski motyl jest cudny. Pozdrawiam.
    I hope that the flu has passed. Some of your flowers with us they can grow in pots. Blue butterfly is wonderful. Yours.

    1. Giga,
      Yes I am lucky to be able to grow those plants right in my own backyard!

  5. I see a theme... "September Jewels in the Garden." That's what I see. You have so many blooming delights that I can only dream of. And that butterfly! Takes my breath away.

    1. Carolyn, Oh I should have asked you to name it! Love that name!

  6. Chez,
    thank you, yes I am on the mend.

  7. That Alocasia is stunning. They get burned so easily from the direct sun. I tried growing them here but not with much luck. Hope you feel better.

  8. Gorgeous colours. Love the cosmos. I have some pastel coloured ones, but the citrusy lemon is just lovely.

  9. Love your post, we have a lot of the same plants. The giant caladium is striking!


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