Urban farm challenge April 2012

The Urban farm challenge this month was gardening........ so where to start? actually one thing I did differently this month was to add a soil amendment. I have noticed that even though my soil looks very rich - full of worms and well draining, I was not getting a high amount of flowers and fruits. I often add seaweed and fish emulsion, my own compost, comfrey tea and lots of mulch. I believe these are all known as conditioners in that they add a wide variety of different goodness to the soil. I don't know how accurate those little ph meters are, but my soil acidity is just less than 7 which seems perfect. Still there seemed to be something lacking, and upon lots of research I learned that the sandy soils around this are are often lacking in potassium. aha! that is what is need for fruiting and flowering. I am not about to go and have my...