Love is in the air

There was sunshine all weekend!  Of course I was out in the garden!  Flitting about were plenty of butterflies, and when this mating pair or orchard swallowtail came close, my very patient hubby got out the camera.  I think we will be seeing some  caterpillars soon by the look of it.

The grands were over enjoying running around the garden, and they loved the job of emptying the seeds and peeling the loofas.   They did tend to shake them quite violently to get the seeds out, and I am now noticing loofah plants popping up all over the place.   They are pretty sure that the Easter bunny is going to be paying a visit to Grandma's garden!


  1. Zakochana para motyli jest cudowna. Pozdrawiam.*** Love is a wonderful pair of butterflies. Yours.

    1. It sure is - even though it is autumn here it feels like spring...

  2. They are so beautiful! They did look like they needed a room though, lol!

    1. After the photos were taken we gave them some privacy.

  3. Excellent shots and beautiful butterflies. They are huge!!!

    1. They are one of our most common butterflies, other than the ulysses, but they are sooo hard to photograph.

  4. Dearest africanaussie,
    Wow, gorgeous orchard swallowtail♡♡♡ "Flitting" is a lovely word I thought, haha my first word. And MARVELOUS shots as usual. And I checked the word "permaculture" from your profile, as I couddn't figure out what principle you are talking about, p;) Very impressive for me♪ I wish I could visit Australia again. (I have been to your country and have lovely memories)
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I do like the word flitting - very descriptive. I can only use some permaculture principles as we just have a very small yard. If you come here again you will have to visit me and my garden.

  5. There's been a frenzy of butterfly mating down here as well, and I've started to see lots of caterpillars munching their way through a few of the plants in the garden. Loved your shots. It sounds like the grandchildren have been having a great time helping out in the garden.

    1. well I am keeping an eye out for caterpillars because my lime tree is doing well, but I don't wan't it to be inundated by caterpillars. They love the garden, and slowly seem to be learning to keep to the paths lol.

  6. Poor butterflies having their tender moments photographer LOL

    The weather here in Brisbane is gorgeous at the moment perfect garden weather.....

    1. It is all in the name of love.... This really is my favourite time of year. The thought of the dry season is the only thing that keeps me dragging through the wet season.

  7. Oh Wow! Fantastic photo's. The things never sit still long enough for me to photograph.

    1. My husband is sooo patient ... I am trying to get him to use the new camera which has more pixels. This is our old camera - only 3.5mp.

  8. Love is definitely in the air for these two.

  9. I saw a butterfly just like this in my garden last week. How can something survive in Sydney and North Queensland? They look so fragile but I guess their tougher than they seem. Of course I didn't get a photo - your husband is both talented and speedy!

    1. they are very common here, and I think throughout most of Australia.

  10. Nice photos.People are always impressed when they see butterflies in my garden - but for me they mean one thing - caterpillars! So they aren't welcome :)

    1. I figure I can donate a few leaves to butterfly production :) These butterflies love citrus leaves, so I just got a few more citrus trees - guess I am a softie.

  11. Oh, I'm so glad you're getting your moment of fame!! Go you good thing! Well deserved :)

  12. Butterflies in the tropics are always more colourful than here.

  13. Oh forgot to tell you that your cosmos seeds that we received are flowering in our garden at the moment!

    1. Oh I just planted out some of the zinnia, basil and amaranth seeds you sent me ages ago too. those cosmos attract lots of butterflies.


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