Test kitchen Tuesdays

I keep talking about trying new recipes, and now Kristen  has come up with a challenge to try a new recipe and post about it on Tuesdays.  We were both mentioned on Rhonda's  new feature where she recommends blogs on a Friday, and that is how we met.
Anyway,  I  made naan this weekend, (I have forgotten where I got the original recipe so that I can give them credit - but it is changed a bit - I can never leave a recipe alone! )  and I made this lovely curried chicken to go with my naan.  If I had known naan was this easy I would have started making it ages ago.  I used plain flour, and then added bran, wheat germ and LSA mix, but you could use all white or whole wheat flour.  It doesn't look anywhere near as good as it tasted....

2 cups white or wholemeal flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/4 cup plain yoghurt
1 Tbs oil

dissolve sugar in 1/4 cup warm water (not hot), mix in yeast and leave until it bubbles.  Combine flour and salt in a big bowl and then add the yeasty water and yoghurt.  Knead for 5 or ten minutes - in the bowl or on a  board.  You may have to sprinkle with a little flour to stop it sticking.  Pour a little oil over the dough and turn over so it is all coated with oil, cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave in a  warm place until doubled in size.  Divide dough into 8 equal pieces and pat into round flat discs.  Cook on a hot frying pan with a  tiny amount of oil - just enough to stop them sticking -  a minute or two each side.

For the veggie side dish I had eggplant and winged beans from the garden which I stir fried with a little celery onion and carrots.  Then to 1/2 cup of veggie stock (I use vegeta stock powder) I add 2 tsp cornstarch.  Stir this into the veggies and simmer a few minutes and it adds just a little tasty liquid, slightly thickened.  I really enjoyed the vegetables (mainly eggplant) in Malaysia and this is as close as I have come to that flavor.
The leftover naan we ate wrapped around borewors (a South African spicy sausage), and it was just as good the next day  - quite a mixture of cultures there!
This recipe is a keeper - I am storing it on my recipe blog where it is easy to find!  You can also make a dish using my Curry recipe to go with it.


  1. I have often thought of making naan but I thought it was tricky too. Right. Next time I made dahl, I'll give the naan a go.

    1. It is way simpler than any bread I have ever made. I think it would be yummy cooked on the flat plate of a barbeque as well.

  2. I'm like VG. I've always bought naan because I thought it was too hard to make, but your recipe sounds do-able. Thank you.

    1. I was really happy with it,and will definitely make it again. I also really enjoyed the roti in Malaysia - want to research that next.

  3. That sounds sooooo yummy! Now to work out how to make it gluten and dairy free....lol! Though we can tolerate a bit of yoghurt so I might just substitute the flour. Thanks for linking up :-)

    1. You are welcome and thanks for hosting this. I cannot imagine having to make recipes gluten and dairy free.

  4. Dearest Africanaussie,
    I have never tasted naan and it sure looks delectable, yummy♡♡♡
    I wonder how it goes with the simple curry made by curry blocks I buy from supermarkets p;) And I always wonder the tastes of rice of yours, must be different.

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Is that an Indian type of curry that you buy? I normally use basmati rice.

  5. This one is definitely a keeper, I love Indian food but up until now I have been afraid of making my own Naan, thanks for this recipe....

    1. Definitely a cost saving too - I cannot believe how much specialty breads cost here.

  6. I think you've just inspired a bunch of us. I make all kinds of bread but have never tried naan. It won't be long now - thanks for showing how easy it is.

  7. Hi Gillian,

    I made your Naan tonight and it was delicious, thank you! I used spelt flour so not gluten free but wheat free and we seemed to have tolerated the small amount of yoghurt so this one is definitely a keeper!

    I hope to see more recipes from you in the future :-)


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