Garden of Eden

I just discovered this wonderful online film about how gardening the way the Garden of Eden was made. Sometimes I think we do fuss too much! Gardening was never meant to be hard! It is fairly long but oh so true, and just makes me want to get going on planting my vegetables right now... You might remember that just before I went away I dumped a whole lot of the wood chip mulch on my veggie patch. Not normally what one would do, according to all the gardening gurus I see on the TV shows and gardening books. They all use sugar cane mulch which is nice and fine and breaks down very quickly, and they always tuck it around the new seedlings like a soft downy blanket. I purchased a bale of sugar cane mulch over the weekend, along with a big bag of chook poo. Now, when I was sprinkling the chook poo around I was thinking that I should dig it in. Why I had t...