I am a favourite!

IIIII have had a really hard time getting back into blogging since my return from my holiday, and then today I found a message that the wonderful Missy has given me a Liebster award.  How lovely!

Just the catalyst that I needed.


Liebster is German for ‘favourite’. The Liebster Award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers. In accepting this award, the recipient must pass it on to 5 favourite up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers.
have singled out five blogs who I think deserve to be showcased
1.  http://laurarittenhouse.wordpress.com/
  Laura gardens in Sydney, and she comes from America, and now lives in Sydney.   I come from South Africa, but via America.  She tries to grow lots of veggies, and like me battles to get her fair share after the bandicoots and possums have had more than they should.   She just had a long holiday in Germany, and I had a holiday in Malaysia.

2.   http://solituderising.blogspot.com.au/
 He lives in Utah, but his garden is miles away, in the Philipines - what an ambitious project!   He e-mails his mom with projects and ideas, and then sends funds for her to implement them!  Sometimes things don't go exactly as planned, and sometimes they work out very well - recently he purchased a huge stone carving of the good shepherd which now resides on a hilltop overlooking his parents sheep as they graze in the field below.

3. http://cazabella33.blogspot.com.au/
 The name of this lovely blog is Serendipity, Raindrops and Roses.  Grannie lives in a rural town and she and her husband deliver the mail - "posties" as they are called here.   Her 89 year old mother lives with them, and enjoys the outings every day on the mail run. Grannie has a heart of gold, she is always doing something for others - and inspires me to do some of the same, although I must admit I fall far short.

4. http://thelittleblackcowblog.blogspot.com.au/ 
One of my dreams has always been to run a B&B and through this blog I can imagine myself a part of the farmstay they are just setting up.   She has also written a children's book  which sounds as though it will be fun to read.   I enjoy reading about their farming antics.

5. http://jardim-mel.blogspot.com.au/
Zelia lives in Rio de Janiero, and many, many years ago we sailed into that beautiful harbor and spent a couple of wonderful weeks there.  She manages to grow the most beautiful orchids, and I keep hoping some of her green thumb will rub off on me!    I also just find it wonderful to press the translate button and be able to read blogs written in another language.

I hope you enjoy checking out some wonderful blogs, and now I have no excuse, I am back to blogging regularly.

Note: one of the reasons I have not jumped back into blogging is that my templates started going all wrong, and now I can't insert a link... grr.  so sorry, you might have to copy and paste the links.
Is anyone else having trouble with blogger lately?  I think Google+ is creating problems, but then again maybe it is just me :)  I know I should do things like save templates, and learn things more thoroughly before barreling ahead.... but I just don't.
Ok finished venting.
It does feel good to be back blogging again though even if it is not perfect..


  1. Yay for you on your award! Welcome back to blogging. I empathize with how hard it is to start after a break. How was your trip to Malaysia?

  2. Hi Bom,
    Thank you! I am still finding it hard to settle back in - trying to keep up with my daughters was hard, but such fun! I have done a little diary (in three parts) - here is the first installment. http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5191340830453017269#editor/target=post;postID=6179715023608577564

  3. We missed you! Glad to see you're back. The links work for me. I'll check them out when I have more tine. They do sound very interesting and quite different from any I currently follow. Congratulations to all of you Liebsters! BTW, I envy you your green thumb. Just goes to show. Everything's relative :)

  4. Congratulations! Well deserved too I must say. It's always a treat dropping by and learning about your garden and what works for you. Keep up the great job. Thanks for the links to some blogs I have never visited before. They do sound interesting.

  5. It's an addicting habit. Fun but you have to train yourself to keep up with it. It can be a lot of work sometimes. I try to stay ahead of myself to work on accuracy and give topics proper thought. But I'll admit, sometimes I hate it, but I know that the work is appreciated by others and that makes it all worthwhile. Plus it's fun to write:)

  6. Welcome back to the world of blogging. I was wondering where you spent your vacation, now I know you went to Malaysia. I've never been there but I've heard a lot of good reasons to go visit the place.

    Thank you for choosing my blog for the Liebster Award. It feels good to know someone appreciates it :) especially on those days when one finds no inspiration or reason to write a post.

  7. Congratulations on your award. I really enjoy hearing about your tropical gardening.

  8. Fiquei muito feliz com a sua visita e mais ainda com o Prêmio Liebster! Será uma grande honra tê-lo em meu blog!!! Também visitei os outros agraciados e fiquei encantada com os excelentes posts.
    Grata pelo carinho e a oportunidade de fazer novos amigos.

  9. Thankyou for my award, very kind .
    Congratulations on your award too ...things like that do brighten up your day, don't they!
    Glad you are back writing more, I really enjoy reading your blog.

  10. Zelia said: I was very happy with this visit and further Liebster Prize! It is a great honor to have you on my blog! I also visited the other graced and was delighted with the excellent posts.
    Grateful for the care and the opportunity to make new friends.

  11. Desiree,
    It does feel good to be back, oh I think my growing success has more to do with the fact I live in the tropics than my green thumb.
    It is fun to find blogs that you don't normally read isn't it?
    Oooh sometimes I will write and publish a blog post and realize afterwards I didn't spell check - I should take more care, but really that is the way I live my life as well.
    Solitude Rising,
    I think you do a great job gardening from afar!
    Thank you, and I am always inspired by your stories of living the more simple life. I need to work on that!
    you are welcome - I always enjoy the lovely orchids that you grow.
    I am glad I could share the love!


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