A little art in my garden

The fence outside our living room has been bothering me lately.  I have been toying with making it a green wall, and then I had the brainwave of moving the mural that my younger daughter made for me many years ago.  I think I have found the perfect spot for it!  It is semi protected by the tree above.

It is so nice to look out on something pretty.  We are still on the lookout for another gazebo - just watching the sales and clearance racks as they seem to have jumped up in price.  I attached some plants on the sides.  My dear hubby spent hours during the week pressure washing all the pavers, since they get mouldy and slippery. 

  While I was cutting back the mandevilla on the back fence - Gosh that grows like crazy! - I discovered a hanging basket of orchids had tipped over because the plant was so heavy and the branches were reaching out and hooking into other plants.  I could not straighten it in the basket, so decided I would try it on a stand in one of those plastic baskets.  Filled with gravel and a bit of soil weighs the pot down nicely. It would be nice if it flowers!  We will see if it stays there - it still looks a bit messy.

I had to put up the big umbrella for shade while I worked on the other area that has needed work for some time.  Hibiscus does not do well in my garden because I have erinose mite which I just cannot get rid of.   I removed two dying hibiscus bushes, the bleeding heart vine which is far too invasive for my liking, and the passionfruit vine which has been in that area for a couple of years and is no longer at its peak.   Luckily our neighbour's passionfruit vine is now climbing over our back fence, so we still have passionfruit. :)   It really is still too hot to be out working in the garden, but I kept up with lots of water, and then thoroughly enjoyed a swim afterwards! 
I have ordered some cosmos and zinnia seeds, and hopefully soon that area will look like a cottage garden!  Wow! that was a busy weekend.!


  1. I have a fence in my garden that I'd love to turn into a vertical green wall. The mural your daughter painted for you looks very nice in its spot.

    1. Alison,
      Since I already had it and it wasn't in a spot where it could be seen, this was the perfect solution. I think a green wall might be a lot of work!

  2. a nice little table & chairs would be lovely there so you can admire the mural.
    love your pot stand & hanging baskets
    you gardens are very lush
    thanx for sharing

    1. We put the table and chairs away until we use them, but I did spend quite a while sitting and admiring my handiwork!

  3. Always lots to do in the garden. Your daughter's mural looks great there now and you can look at it from indoors then.

    1. Exactly Sami! I didnt like looking out on the bare wooden fence. this is so much better!

  4. I don't envy you having to garden in the heat and humidity. An hour or two in my gardens do me in.

    1. dont worry Joan I had plenty of breaks, and I cannot believe how much water I drank! It was worth it in the end!

  5. I just love the mural. I hope it doesn't fade too quickly in the heat up there. It is too dry here to worry about the garden too much. We haven't had any decent rain for months with none in sight unless Cyclone Oma decides to pay the SE coast a visit next week.

    1. Nana Chel,
      Yes I was a bit concerned about that, but I worked out it was painted about 16 years ago and is still going strong. It has always been outside, but under the eaves. We are back to no rain, and now that water rationing is over I have to remember to water the garden, because I can do it any time. it is very hot so everything dries out so quickly.

  6. You're making such a welcoming area with the beautiful mural and hopefully the orchid will stay secure now and bloom wonderfully. Can't wait till our tropics cool down so gardening is more fun. LOL!

    1. I always tend to get a little excited about the prospect of the weather cooling down, and then do too much! I also want to start my veggie seeds, as they take ages, and then I find I am behind my friends who plant seedlings.

  7. Lovely mural. I'd still want to cover it with something - maybe clear plastic from the fabric store. Love your garden.

    1. It is painted onto sunbrella fabric with acrylics, and is under the tree, so semi protected. Up here in the humidity I think a plastic layer would cause it to mould!

  8. That's a beautiful mural! I have quirky little things around my garden including little things my son has made over the years. Meg:)


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