Menu planning

We have my stepson staying with us this week, and I thought I had better get a bit organised with my menu plan.    What  I normally do is write down on the left hand side of the page a few dinners that I would like to cook for the week, and then on the right side of the page write the ingredients I need (after checking what I have on hand).  Breakfast and lunches are normally leftovers or regular rotation, so certain things are purchased every week.  I have being doing intermittent fasting for about 6 months now, so each day is only two meals.  Lunch and dinner over the weekends, and then breakfast and lunch during the week.  I thought I had better do a bit of baking to have some things on hand.  A staple growing up was my Moms crunchies, and they changed over the years to a healthier option.  Every time I make the recipe I change a few things as I use up whatever is on hand. This time they are walnut and date based.

Sunday: Roast chicken and vegetables, and I made stock with the bones for Saturdays Cassoulet.
Monday :  Roast vegetables with some leftover chicken.
Prep day: Extra roasted vegetables to go with salads for the week.   I chop a bowl of kale and massage himalayan salt into it.  This really softens the leaves, and they are used with roast veggies for salad, and the leaves sit quite happily in the fridge for days. Hummus or another protein is normally added.
Ham and  cauliflower pots, these are kept in the freezer to be taken out for lunches with a salad as needed.  This is a tasty way to use up the christmas ham. Here is the recipe.

Tuesday:  Pizza out.
Wednesday:  Hubby will make his beef curry, with lots of vegetables added.
Thursday:  Pork chops with potatoes, I like those low carb ones, and parsley (and of course butter) with a mixed salad.
Friday: Dinner out with family
Saturday:  Cassoulet, a little reminder of my lovely french holiday this summer.  This will be cooked in my big bessemer pot which will feed a crowd. 

Do you meal plan?  Do you have  a fairly loose arrangement like I do?


  1. My meal planning is more like. "I'm hungry. Oh, look, here's a can of soup!" I live alone, but my son lives in the basement and neither of us cooks much. My husband was the cook, and he was outstanding at it. I think I've never been that interested, though I do like food. That's one part of Jenny's domesticity that probably isn't going to rub off! I used to like canning and baking, but not so much now. It's a lot of work, and I'd rather spend my energy quilting. =) I'll like reading about YOUR cooking, though!

  2. Hehe, that is what I am like at Christmas.. I need a present oh I will bake a batch of shortbread! I look forward to seeing all your lovely gift ideas throughout the year!

  3. I really should plan more with my meals but sometimes get the 'can't be bothereds' towards the end of the day so probably should start having a meal at lunchtime instead of a snack. Then again.....

    1. I love to do a lot of pre-cooking so that most meals can be quickly assembled. Neither of us mind the same meal two days in a row either which is helpful!

  4. I just make sure I have enough fruit, veg and meat to do the week then decide what to turn them into later ... not a lot of planning.

    1. I guess I really am a meal planner, that sounds too complicated for me!

  5. I used to plan meals when we were 4 at home. At the moment with my husband working away it's just me so I cook about 2 big meals a week and just make salads or veggies to go with it.
    Those crunchy biscuits appealed to me :)

  6. I do like to cook enough for leftovers, we were just talking about that. I was going to post the recipe, but thought I better actually measure what I do to be more accurate!


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