Menu planning - Vegan recipes

I have a daughter in law who cannot eat eggs or milk, so am always on the lookout for recipes that I can use when she is coming around. On Saturday we had 7 people to dinner, and I cooked cassoulet again. That is fast becoming a favourite meal for a crowd. I serve it in my big bessamer pot, and I like to make it in advance so the flavours can meld as it simmers slowly on the stove. This means I am not rushing around preparing dinner at the last minute. Alongside I served a big salad with spinach and a mix of tomatoes, cucumbers,red onion and chick peas marinaded in a lemony olive oil dressing. Of course there is bread to mop up the juices! Oh! and bubbly (not French my budget doesnt run to that,) and French red wine. For dessert I had to do a bit of research and planning. I have had this recipe for vegan chocolate cake on my evernote feed for quite some time, and eventually tried it, and it is a keeper! ...