Sensible little Christmas gifts

Most times towards the end of the year I start looking around for ideas in which I can share my love of gardening and crafting and baking with those I love.
One year I dried herbs in the microwave and they dried nice and crisp in 30-60 seconds.  I used a mix of Rosemary, mother of herbs and kaffir lime leaves and lime peel. A tropical herb mix from my garden, and a recipe for stuffed vegetables stuffed roast vegetables, it is very yummy.  So easy to slip the packet and recipe in with a Christmas card.

One year I crocheted snowflakes - check out all the free patterns here at Cratsy  I also made crocheted angels. There are some angel patterns on Interweave, so nice to be able to share free patterns.  Either of these can just be slid into a Christmas card, making it just a bit special.

I love to make gingerbread men, biscotti and shortbread as they are easy to put into little cellophane bags and tie up with a pretty ribbon.

One year I found these tiny aerogram notes (you have to be of a certain age to know what they are!) and I wrote this little poem, and inserted a tea bag in each one.  

On Christmas Day
at half past three,
Brew yourself a cup of tea.
I'll think of you,
You think of me
While sitting 'round
the Christmas Tree.

~ Author Unknown

This year I made bowl cosies with some pretty bowls for my co-workers.  I included my recipe for ham and pea soup, because that is something everyone has to do with their ham bone don't they?

Everyone can always use tote bags, and I am obsessed with the rag quilt method.  How good would this look made in Christmas colours!

Do you like making Christmas crafts and gifts from the kitchen?


  1. Wow you are a busy person. I don’t craft stuff for Christmas. I am flat out getting my bought Christmas cards away.

  2. All such great ideas. I don't get more creative than knitting hats and mitts and occasionally an afghan. I really like your bowl cosies - they would be so handy here in Canada with our cold winters.

    1. Jenny there are lots of tutorials out there, and they are fun to make. Even in this heat I still make curries and soup sometimes.

  3. I really enjoy having some thing creative going on, often more than one thing at a time!

  4. I love crafting things for christmas gifts, knitting washcloths and stitching felt ornaments. This year I have also made tote bags out of touristy linen teatowels. I love the idea of your herb mix, I have lots of herbs growing in my garden so I am going to tuck that idea away for next year. Meg 🙂

  5. They are all lovely ideas Gill. This year I made soaps and foot balm :)

  6. I like to give handmade and my intentions are always good but I usually have a few things I haven't done come Christmas.
    I love to pop a tea bag into my penpal letters and love receiving different teas from all over the world in return too. I glue the packets they come in into my journal.


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