Fennel salad

I saw fennel on special last week and bought a nice big bulb for $1.00.  I always think I should like it, but then often when I get it home it doesn't live up to its expectations.  I tried roasting it and it never really softened, I thought you could roast anything and it would improve the flavour and texture!  Roasting vegetables is my very favorite way of cooking vegetables, and every week I roast a couple of trays of vegetables. 
So while my tray of vegetables was roasting, I decided to make up a salad with the fennel. The one that had caught my eye combined apple and fennel, and whenever I am juicing a lemon I will grate in the rind - do you do that?  It adds so much extra flavour.  The following day I sort of combined everything for my lunch and it was AMAZING.  You have to try this....

1/2 large bulb chopped or finely shredded fennel
2 apples, cored and sliced
juice and grated rind of one large lemon
2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
4 cups mixed salad greens
Assorted roast vegetables,  I had eggplant, carrots, and pumpkin
1 small tub hummus

Make the fennel salad - up to the salt and pepper, then you can layer the rest of the ingredients on top and just mix in before serving.  It works great for a lunch to go this way.

We have had such trouble this year with bandicoots, the drought and the garden missing me when I am gone!  I am mulling over different garden plans, but one thing is for sure - there will be change. Stay tuned....  


  1. I love roasted vegetables too :) Never ate raw fennel, only roasted, will have to try this salad.

    1. funny, I never really liked it roasted. I must have been doing something wrong. I love all the different flavours in this salad - and the way the hummus mixes with the lemon juice. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. I love fennel braised slowly with butter and white wine.

  3. i think we still have fennel growing down the back. I have noticed that it is often mixed with apple. When the renos are over I will pick some. We won't have a kitchen for a week or so soon.

    1. Nanna Chel, you are very brave to have your kitchen re-done while living around the mess! My daughter had her bathroom re-done and it was crazy! I have tried to grow fennel here, but think it doesnt like the heat.


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