A little girl busy book

I showed you the busy book last week that I made for my grandson, and now here is the one I made for my granddaughter.  They are both the same size, a bit bigger than the original one I made a couple of years ago.
 She loves to play peek a boo, and giggled when I showed her this page on skype
 We keep gathering ideas for a fairy garden, and they have an awesome fairy garden that we visit every time I go over there, so of course I had to have  a fairy page.  the little one doesnt quite fit into the door!

 On the opposite page is a branch with little caterpillars that hatch out of their chrysalis.
 I might make a few more fairies.  I love the tutu - my granddaughter wears a tutu every week on tutu Tuesday!

I also found a very simple teddy bear pattern, but it is still too big for the teddy bears picnic page.  

In the end I settled back on this one again - it is such a great pattern and adapts to all sorts of ideas.  I have used the same pattern for the fairy, teddy bears and even a couple of story bots.  I like to sit and knit while I am watching tv in the evenings, so dont like to do anything too complicated.

I love the fact that my daughter appreciates all the effort that goes into making things for the kids, and it warms my heart when I see them still playing with things I made them over the years.  Handmade gifts have love sewn into every stitch. 
I have been waiting to take better photos for this post, but have run out of time - I leave on Saturday!  


  1. How lovely of you to make such beautiful books. I must ask my daughter if the one I made my granddaughters is still around as it was such a lot of work. There are so many ideas for the books these days on Pinterest. When I made mine there weren't a lot mentioned about the books on blogs.

    1. The internet is so awesome for gathering ideas isn't it? I have seen lap quilts made for altzheimers patients and I would love to get into that next.

  2. Wow so much work and detail in the busy books..your grandkids will love them.

  3. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...glad you found out about the tv show and can watch it on catch up. Regards Kathy, Brisbane

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