Another busy book for my grandson

As you know in 2016 when I went over to America I took a busy book for my grandson. Here it is. Now he is turning four and that busy book has been busy being played with by both him and his little sister.   My daughter insisted that they both need a new busy book when I go over in May!
He loves ducks - he has a favourite to sleep with, a favourite to carry around all day, and then hundreds of other options,   even so one of his pages is the mother duck and five little ducks that go out to play. (they slide under the fabric on either side) 
 I rather like the way the little ducks and their mom turned out - I adapted it from a paper pattern.
 Then he has a pizza with different amounts of pepperoni so he can learn to count.  They are attached so that they cannot get lost (also to make it a little easier for him, but dont tell his Mom that!
 I coudnt resist making this monster that you feed with pom poms (or anything really!)
 Then there is this tetris type game with multiple options.
I think that will keep him busy for a while.  I never start with any set ideas or a pattern, so these turned out bigger than I had originally intended.  The other one was intended to keep them busy in the car and go on their laps.  These I think will be played with in their rooms.
I do enjoy making these busy books, and ever so soon they will have grown out of this stage.  Does anyone else make busy books for their children or grandchildren? 


  1. Such a sweet post. I can see you are having oodles of fun being a grandma.

  2. Oh yes being a grandma is such blessing!

  3. I love your book. Yes, being a grandma is the best.

    1. Hi Ros, glad to see you are still reading blogs, hope you are well and enjoying island life!

  4. What beautiful gifts for your grandson. I love the monster!! Meg:)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. These are wonderful and will be so enjoyed.

    1. I cant wait to be sitting on the floor and showing them how they all work! counting down the days.

  7. That is so cool! My kids would have loved that when a bit younger - probably still would. So very clever x

    1. Haha My older grand kids here looked at them for a bit, then got on with other things!

  8. Such clever ideas for little kids, you're very talented. Have fun with your grandkids Gill.

    1. these are very addictive to make, as i keep seeing and thinking of other ideas!


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