New venture - playing with recycled materials

At this time of year the gardening slows down.  The things that grow during the wet season just manage on their own, and I often turn my attention to doing things inside the house. - with the aircon going!  As I mentioned previously I discovered a wonderful organization in Jacksonville that trains and prepares survivors of the sex trade to enter the business world.  You can read more about my adventure into making necklaces and see the first necklaces I made, or the company re-threaded here.

Last Saturday I invited some friends over for a crafternoon and afternoon tea. I showed them how to make the necklaces and they each took their creations home with them. I had quite a colorful assortment of fabrics for them to choose from. 

 I had also made a few clay polymer beads.

 Hubby thought I had some new plant decorations when I had them drying on skewers in the most convenient location!

All in all I am building up quite a collection for my market stall, but I get bored, and want to try new things ..... 

After spending about twenty years sailing the world on my sailboat I do have a love for knots.  Nautical knots, celtic knots, whatever.  I began to wonder if I could use the t shirt fabric for knotting, and spent a wonderful day exploring different knots.  My gosh - it is so much easier to follow a video than when we first tried to tie a turks head on board Vemvaan following the numbered instructions in a book!  Look at this cute little bead that I wove - they are going to be awesome on the sensory necklaces.  I have one ready to package and send off to my daughter so she can try it  out with my little granddaughter!

I will post a selection on the blog in case anyone wants to order them from afar!  I do live in  the back of beyond so our little market stall is quite far for everyone to travel to.
Is anyone else selling items from their blog?  Is it best to go with a company like selz or etsy?  I love blogging - it is a way for me to connect with others around the world with similar interests, and I dont want it to just become a commercial venture.  I do slack off with blogging though when there is nothing going on in the garden, so thought I would share what I do at these times.  What do you think? Is it a good idea to diversify and include other aspects of my life?


  1. The clay polymer beads look good with the plants. You may be creating a new trend.

  2. Your necklaces look interesting. I'm afraid I don't have any advice for the best company to use but I can say I think it is a good idea to diversify your blog contents. I for one would be interested in reading more :-)

    1. Hi Joyful, it is good to get feedback, as I really enjoy blogging, so that gives me more options.

  3. I love reading about your garden but, as you said, when the gardening slows down you could also post about the other inspiring things you do when it's too hot or wet to go outside. I don't sell anything that I make ... I have thought about seeing if anyone would be interested in the organic cotton washcloths I knit but then I remind myself that I'm such a slow knitter that it would take me years to have enough ready!! Meg:)

    1. Meg, Yes it is very hard to decide how much to charge, and really I didn't want to price myself out of the market as it is the creating that I enjoy.

  4. I love knots, too although my repertoire would be much less than yours. I learned some knots in Girl Guides and I still like to use them when I can. And I knit which is pretty close to knots. I like the idea of a crafternoon and your work is going to a really worthy cause.

    1. Jenny, I never went further than brownies, but my Mom and Dad were into Guides and Scouts at that stage. I remember getting a knot badge. I have always been fascinated by knots, and of course in sailing there are quite a few important knots you need to learn.

  5. Great idea to show us what you make apart from your gardening Gill.
    A great project to help a wonderful organization! I used to make these necklaces years ago in Portugal before I came to Australia and I still use them. Can't give advice where to sell because even though I used to craft quite a lot I didn't really sell on websites, just through craft fairs, but they can be expensive sometimes and it wasn't really worthwhile for me.

    1. Sami, I enjoy all your interesting hobbies as well, so it seems that I am going to diversify a bit! Yes I do worry a bit that it is not going to be financially viable. I am hoping to make a bit towards our holiday next year. Of course you cannot get back anything comparable for the time they take.


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