Fruit salad alley update

Fruit salad alley had a makeover!  I had been thinking that the fruit trees needed a little bit of loving care, and when yet another lovely long weekend came around I set to it.  I cut back the passionfruit vine so that it can shoot out some new shoots and produce more passionfruit.  I removed the strawberry pots a while back as they were being swamped by the passionfruit.  They are now in the veggie patch.

I wrote about the process and the seed collection has published it on their blog - you can see it here.  I get paid in free seeds, so it is a win-win situation.  Here you can see my lime tree re-potted (and straightened up).

All the plants seem happy and there are lots of little green leaves shooting out which makes me happy.


  1. Your garden looks lovely. xx

    1. Thank you - I seem to be having trouble getting onto your blog for some reason.

  2. The weather is lovely for being in the garden! Hopefully you'll get lots of strawberries, limes and passionfruits. Meg:)

    1. yes Meg I am hoping for a bumper crop this year!

  3. Remodeling a garden is always a daunting task at first, but then I get into it and sometimes go too far. You're definitely great at remodeling, it looks wonderful!

    1. thank you Karen, although I dont have anywhere near the space you have...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I just saw your comment on Eight Acres and wondered what you were up to these days. What a lovely time to be gardening! We are enjoying the sunny days but not so much the cold mornings but still it is much better than the dreadful heatwaves of summer isn't it?

    1. Hi Nanna Chel,
      I seem to have lost my blogging mojo! :( I love this time of the year, but seem to be so busy with other stuff that I don't have much time for gardening. I am going overseas in three weeks and hopefully I will come back renewed with vigor for gardening and blogging! thanks for thinking of me.


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