Dragons in fruit salad alley

When I planted the dragonfruit I really wondered if I was doing the right thing.  They can get very large, and they are quite prickly.  During the week one of the branches started to flop out towards the carport, so I tied it back, wondering if this plant was really such a great idea.  Glancing down I noticed some flowers started to form.  Well, that could be a game changer.
Heading out for my morning walk during the week my eye was drawn to the most awesome HUGE flowers.  Ohmigosh!

 Two flowers!

There were some native bees buzzing around and by the end of the day the flowers had flopped down and closed.  Now I wait and see whether the bees did their job.  


  1. wow they ARE beautiful!
    just like the rose, not much to look at but when they flower something spectacular happens! i keep ummming & ahhhing whether to grow them or not too
    good luck with the fruit
    thanx for sharing

    1. They can be a bit of a pain when they get too big - I really did think I would have to wait until the plant got much bigger in order to get fruit.

  2. I didn't know that dragonfruit is a kind of cactus. It will be fun if you get some fruit - worth a prickle or two.

  3. What a gorgeous flower! I'm in awe, you can grow things I can only dream of. Always a pleasure to visit!

    1. You grow things I can only dream of as well! - thinking of your petunias :)

  4. It will be great if you do get fruit, but even if you don't, the flowers are wonderful. Pity they are so short-lived.

    1. The fruit is starting to plump up. My grandson was walking through fruit salad alley and suddenly saw them - he was so excited!


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