Kimchi and fermentation

Last week I attended a two hour course on making kimchi - what fun. I tried a couple of times before to make fermented vegetables and really was not that confident. It was nice to do a course. This is done in the jar, so small quantities, which I like the idea of - I cant imagine how long it would take me to go through the amount of sauerkraut that one head of cabbage would make. When I came home I found I had a few cucumbers in the fridge so set up some lacto fermented cucumbers. Here is my kimchi: Yesterday was five days, so I gingerly opened the jar and took out the cabbage leaf plug, still held very securely underneath the liquid. It has very nice flavor and crunch. It is hot here, so fermentation is maybe faster than it would be in colder climates. I make water kefir and it is ready in two or three days. The cucumber was tasty and about as crisp as other pickles I have tasted. We cannot get grape or oak leaves here, so I put in a black...