So hot

At this time of the year in the tropics, I don't do much gardening, unless it is really necessary.  During the Christmas break I spent a couple of days tidying up and cutting back, and mulching.  I also drank lots and lots of water to stay hydrated.  The area around the pool has not had much attention for a while, and luckily we acquired this lovely bromeliad.  The golden cane was removed, and then I could get stuck in and plant out a few easier to manage plants.  It all got a good mulching as luckily one of the neighbours has some extra mulch.  Everything is settling in well, and we even have a flower spike!

I cut back severely along the fence because my neighbour has a passionfruit vine growing there.  I couldn't reach to pick the passionfruit, and if left to fall on the ground they attract rats.  I have to continue to cut back the vine so that it doesn't climb all over the plants.  The passionfruit is nice, but the maintenance is pretty time consuming.

I cut a big branch of the lady slipper orchid back and then pruned all the plants around that area pretty severely.  The vine tends to be too heavy and thick for the tree, and I am not sure whether to provide a solid structure such as an arch for it to climb.  It will have to be fairly high, which means none of the standard cheap options will do.

The veggie patch got a good makeover as well - the paths are all cleaned and the edges evened out.  Odd bits of cardboard are laid over the ground to stop weeds sprouting up.  I have a very tenacious capsicum plant growing - along with some eggplant, long green beans and a chili bush. I am harvesting lovely asparagus, just wish I had a few more plants. Ginger, lemongrass and turmeric is doing well.  It has been very hot with very little rain, and soon we will have the flooding rains of the wet season.  In the meantime, my garden and I both take a rest at this time of year.  

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and have awesome plans to make this year the best ever!


  1. Happy New Year. So much growth, I would go nuts trying to maintain a garden like yours.
    I am embarking on a tidy up my gardens at the moment.

    1. Happy New Year to you too. My garden is very small, but crammed full with too many plants, hence the need to keep tidying up!

  2. Happy New Year! As always I'll look forward to seeing what happens in your garden, which is so different to mine in the northern hemisphere!

    1. that is what I love about blogging - none of us are the same, and I enjoy learning from the diversity!

  3. Have a wonderful 2017! It is very warm and humid here in s.e. FL USA. It does not feel like our winter at all. Of course, our winters are mild, but we DO get some cold weather occasionally and I could do with a dose.

    Gardening work is never done here, no gardening breaks, things grow year round here, like I'm sure they do there for you.

    Happy January ~ FlowerLady

    1. thank you Flower lady, you too! Oh gosh - the thought of the tropical winters to come are the only thing that get me through the wet season! I hope you get some cool breaks.

  4. Happy new year to you! My Mum still lives up in the tropical north and she has been saying how hot and dry it's been. They've had a couple of afternoons storms though of late and that has brightened things up a bit. Your bromeliad is lovely. Again, my mum has many of these plants in her garden as they do so well. I think gardening, wherever you live, is about finding plants that suit that climate. Meg:)

    1. Hi Meg, yes we have now started to have some rain. Probably the start of the rainy season. That is so true about finding the right plants for your area. I am so blessed to live in a climate where these exotic plants grow. Happy New year!

  5. Happy New Year!
    WOW your gardens look spectacular! it looks so cool too
    thanx for sharing

    1. Hi Selina,
      In our back garden you can notice a definite drop in temperature, we cannot do anything about the humidity though!

  6. I always enjoy seeing photos of your garden. Happy New Year!


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