Orchids in the tropics

I know that I only just posted yesterday and that I haven't posted for months.  Oh well, maybe I will be inspired to post more often.  I had to share my lovely orchids though.  I never know when an orchid is going to flower - they just suddenly appear, and really love this muggy hot weather we are currently experiencing.  Be prepared - there will probably be more photos to follow!

This one is in a hanging basket right up in the lychee tree.  I wondered if it would have enough light.  In actual fact I simply hung the basket up there because it was so unwieldy and untidy with its long branches.....  Over the weekend I looked up and saw the buds forming.  awesome.

This shows them way up in the tree.

I live in an area where orchids grow in the wild - they like this climate.  Every now and then I acquire an orchid in flower, and then I re pot them and hang them on my orchid wall.  Sometimes they flower again, and then I am ecstatic, but really it has nothing to do with the way I treat them.  It is a complete and lovely surprise every time.


  1. Yesterday, bromeliads. Today, orchids. You and my Mum would get on so well as orchids are another of her favourites to grow up there in the tropics. Their blooms are just stunning, aren't they! Meg:)

    1. Awesome, but I did have a problem in that there were (and often are) ants which come and eat my flowers. :(

  2. beautiful!
    mine i put in my poinciana tree, a friend gave it to me almost 20 yrs ago, last year it flowered for the 1st time! only got a few days of lovely showy yellow & brown flowers before a storm of wind shredded them off!
    love seeing them hanging from trees naturally
    thanx for sharing

    1. Oh my, I bet that looked beautiful, especially if the poinciana was in bloom at the same time.

    2. Putting them in a tree is a great idea.

  3. How beautiful Gill!
    Have a wonderful and productive year in your garden.

  4. Orchids are so beautiful and last such a long time as an added bonus.

    1. Joan,
      mostly they do, but for some reason mine are not lasting that long this year - seem to have ants that have developed a taste for them!

  5. I love orchids, and have only recently acquired Moth orchids. Do you know what kind yours are? Just love the colours of both. Nature blows you away, doesn't it?

    1. Hi Robyne,
      I think the purple one is a cattleya. Not sure about the yellow one. Moth orchids are pretty - I have a white one that flowers pretty regularly.

  6. I agree that it is a lovely surprise every time orchids bloom. Yours are beautiful and I thank you for sharing and hope to see more from you.

    Happy January ~ FlowerLady

    1. Hi Flowerlady,
      I have been a bit slack about blogging lately, thanks for the welcome back!

  7. How lovely to have beautiful orchids growing in your garden. I especially like the fuschia coloured one. I suppose they keep their blooms a long time .

    1. Jenny, thank you. Hoping someone can help me about the ant problem.


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