Garden Share Collective January

This months garden share collective is all about herbs. This is the middle of the wet season, when everything struggles with the heat, humidity and occasional floods.. Everything except the weeds that is. A neighbor kindly offered me a couple of barrow loads of mulch, and the weed spiral was the first to benefit. I pulled out weeds, and drastically cut back the plants that were there. Something was really enjoying the lemon balm , and it wasn't me! Then I spread out a fairly thick layer of mulch. In the herb spiral I have cuban oregano - a tropical perennial that is similar to oregano in taste, but the leaves are quite fleshy. Very versatile - I use it in any sort of tomato based dishes. It doesn't get any bugs, and there is a green and a variegated one. It sort of wanders around, but never gets overwhelming. The perfectly behaved plant! Then on the other hand I have sawtooth coriander - oh my gosh, if you don't kee...