Garden share collective June - taste

The theme for this months Garden Share collective is taste.  Here are the others participating.
We have had an extended wet season, and so my garden is not as far along as it normally is at this time of year.  I purchased an eggplant and jalapeno and planted them in the far back corner.  the eggplant has to go into a pot because of the bacterial wilt in the soil.  Even then they dont always survive.  it is just a case of wait and see.

 I thought I had lost all the tatsoi and rocket in the flooding rains, but they seem to be bouncing back nicely.  Fresh greens in a salad is the best taste ever, and I am sure loaded with vitamins and minerals compared to what we can buy in a plastic packet.
 The bed along the side fence has a few volunteer cherry tomato, and one capsicum which is doing very well.  there are also a couple of cucumber, which go back and forth between looking on their last legs with powdery mildew and thriving....  I planted out a few snow peas to climb that fence too.  They do like it a bit cooler than it is right now. We might not get any cool weather this season.

The other capsicum plant is doing really well.  Also in this bed I have carrot, kangkong, silverbeet, beetroot, mangul wurzel, cherry tomatoes.  This is the sunniest bed.  A lot of them are all still small and hopefully will perk up if we get some sunshine.

I saw we have a volunteer tumeric growing out in amongst the ferns and flowers.  If you are looking for taste, that is one of my favourites.  I made an awesome curry with ginger and turmeric out of the garden.  I feel so blessed when I can use tasty fresh produce straight out of the garden onto the plate. 
I will be heading overseas on the 20th to go and visit both my Daughters and their families.  That means I will miss next months posting, but I will be busy tasting my way around France.  I might come back with some new gardening ideas!


  1. Have a wonderful holiday Gill. You'll be there at the best time of year so I've been told.

    1. I am getting excited about seeing my daughters again - it has been too long

  2. Enjoy your wonderful holiday with family. What is the tall plant in the picture three up from the bottom? I woul love to harvest fresh tumeric and ginger, how wonderful. I have been adding it to hot chocolate the last few weeks. Travel safe

    1. amazing - that is my capsicum on steroids! I have always had such trouble with them in the past and this year they are doing fantasically! I have a friend in Tasmania who has been growing tumeric and ginger in a little microclimate she created, so dont give up!

  3. Wonderful variety of delicious plants. I've got to get back to growing a vegetable garden again. I hope you have a wonderful vacation!


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