Coffee beans and passionfruit

I harvested the remaining coffee beans this weekend - so they are out on trays drying.  Honey processing, so that means they still have a certain amount of the fruit attached as they dry.
 The curly parsley is doing well in the wicking box.  I keep cutting the bigger stalks, and the plants keep producing more stalks.  I love to have plenty of parsley for salads, taboulli, soups, in fact a handful of parsley will improve just about anything.

The other things that I have been having success with lately is microgreens.  I will do a separate post on them soon.  They deserve a post of their own.   Here I have radish and kale.
 I also took a photo of the passion fruit forming from the center of the flower.  Isnt nature awesome?
I am enjoying the slightly cooler weather and pretty regular rainfall.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wish I could grow passion fruit and coffee. I know there are tropical trees growing in my climate but not sure about passion fruit. Have you grown coffee before or is this your first time? How do you roast the beans?

    1. Joyful,
      Oh I am by no menas an expert! I think in colder climates passionfruit might grow and flower but not set fruit. This is my first time growing coffee, and I have had the tree about three years. The first few years the tree just had a few beans. I explore online to see how others are processing and roasting the beans and then try and see what happens. I have been roasting them in a popcorn machine - the air popper. I need to work on that though as they dont seem to be roasting all the way through. They need to roast with hot air flowing through them.

  3. Wow, once again you have just taught me something new.
    Honey processing of coffee, I looked it up and I'm amazed.
    Wishing you success on your first batch (of many more) hand grown coffee beans...enjoy.

    1. Virginia,
      I think this is a long learning curve. It has been raining so this last batch coudldnt go out in the sun so I popped them into a very low oven for a while. Everything is just one big experiment!

  4. Always love to read your posts, and I always learn something new when I do. When we lived in New Hampshire my husband and I both would spend all day in the gardens and enjoy every minute of it. Seemed like any seed we put into the ground grew as well as any plants. I miss those days here in North Carolina. Not much luck have we had with the gardening, but I do still enjoy some flowers each year.

  5. Wow, I would have thought you would have had more success in a warmer climate! Maybe your soil needs to be built up! You know how passionate I am about composting ;)

  6. those passionfruits within the flowers look like some man-eating plant!! gorgeous!


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