A kookabura visits our veggie patch

My hubby looked out the study window to see a kookaburra hanging out in the veggie garden so I went around the side with a camera.  He was not at all shy and let me take a few photos before he flew off.

enjoy!  I hope you are having a lovely weekend!  


  1. Kookaburras are so cute! We don't get any in our garden, I have seen them in Kings Park (botanic gardens) and in some areas of Perth. They do make a lot of noise though...

    1. Oh we get lots here - we are alongside a creek, so they call back and forth morning and evening - must be taling roll call!

  2. What a sweetie! I just want to hold him and give him a kiss on top of his little flat head. :-)

    1. Oh I dont know that they are that tame! They do have an unusual shaped head dont they?

  3. We love kookaburras at our house too....so Australian.

  4. Handsome chap ..

  5. We're getting lots of birds here in North Carolina in the USA. Have never seen one of the kookaburras. I love this time of year when they start coming to the feeders and all.

    1. The kookaburras have avery distinctive laugh and I cant help smiling when I hear them. I can spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the birds. It does seem a lovely things to do...

  6. We're getting lots of birds here in North Carolina in the USA. Have never seen one of the kookaburras. I love this time of year when they start coming to the feeders and all.

  7. Awww. Just coming over from Sami´s blog. Nice to see a happy Kookaburra. Our little zoo holds a single one, the poor fella never "laughs"...


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